The Lost Boys

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*EDIT* 10/13/18 beta'd by exaigon


Dwayne could read her mind and as soon as she set her eyes on the crying lost little boy he knew where she was going to take him. So, he quickly scanned nearby for the mother's thoughts and finding her, he approached the two and spoke, "Excuse me but I believe that woman over there was calling for her child. It could be him."

Lucy looks at him in surprise, probably because he doesn't look the part of the good Samaritan. Whatever. As long as it kept her from meeting Max like David asked.

He watched from the sidelines as the two women talked for a moment and then the young mother took her brat and left. Vaguely, he wondered what they should do with Laddie as he was obviously not cut out to be a vampire. Before he could continue that thought or leave to grab a bite before meeting up with David, the older woman approached him with a motherly smile.

Yes, Max needed to stay far away from Lucy because this time it could take, and he agreed wholeheartedly with David in regards to the mother issue.

"That was really observant and nice of you."

He just nodded, "I need to be somewhere." He didn't want to stick around and talk to her any longer than he had to.

"Oh right well, sorry to keep you/ It's just so nice to see young people lending a helping hand." She waved at him as the middle-aged mother looked around and, as if fate was calling her, she started to head to the video store. Dwayne nearly cursed his luck before inspiration hit.

"I wouldn't go in there if I were you," he called out to her and she turned looking confused before taking a few steps back in his direction.

"Why not?" The woman asked warily.

"Unless you really want a video I'd avoid that store. The owner is a..." he paused as if he was trying to find a polite way to say it but came up short. "He is persistent when he comes onto women... luckily, he only works the night shift, so you can still rent movies during the day."

It had been a long time since he'd had to feign concern, but he was hopeful that his face seemed genuine.

She was frowning when she spoke, "You seem to notice a lot of things."

He tried not to grimace at her words. The last thing he needed was to make her suspicious of him. "Yeah. I've lived here awhile. Comes with the territory, I guess."

She nodded and smiled. "Oh, where are my manners? I'm Lucy."

She stuck out her hand and he had to force himself to shake her hand politely.


"Nice to meet you Dwayne..." She looked thoughtful for a second before deciding to ask, "I just moved here actually and since you know this area, do you happen to know anywhere that's currently hiring?" Her tone was nervous but hopeful.

"It's summer so most places are hiring part-time at least... but have you checked the grocery store yet? I'm pretty sure they're hiring full-time."

And if they weren't he was sure it wouldn't take much to persuade them to change their minds. He was pretty sure David would approve of a day job on the other side of the boardwalk from Max's video store.


While Dwyane was intervening with fate, at another part of the boardwalk Paul stood around brooding outside of a comic book shop. The people walking around him give a wide berth due to the murderous intent and looks he was giving the store.

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