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*EDIT* 10/13/18 beta'd by exaigon on Fanfiction.Net


Something soft and fluffy smacked him in the face startling him awake.

"Come on Mike get up!"

It was Sam. He shoved away the pillow with a sleepy glare. "Knock it off Sam."

"I will if you get up. Really, you're not a vampire you can't sleep all day," He huffed as Michael's glare melted away and he suddenly became pale. The events from the night before slammed back into him with a vengeance.

"What's up? You look like you just saw a ghost," Sam asked only to be ignored.

Michael asked, "...Where's Mom?"

"Went to work early this morning and I've been stuck with Texas Chainsaw Grandpa thanks to your lazy ass. So get up and take me somewhere!"

Michael shoved the boy away and stood up. "What time is it?"

"After one, let's go to the boardwalk." Michael walked past him and opened a dresser drawer to absentmindedly grab something to wear. "Not today Sammy."

His younger brother whined, "Why not? It's not like you have any plans!"

"I do." He told his brother while walking from the room only to be followed.

"Really, like what?"

"Shower, food, unpack, and then maybe some more food."

This, of course, caused the teenager to complain more, "Oh come on Mike! You can unpack later and grab something to eat on the way. I know! Let's go to the beach!"

Michael got to the bathroom and closed the door in Sam's face getting called 'jerkface' in the process. But at least now he was alone... with his thoughts. Damn. Maybe Sammy's constant talking was a good thing the older brother thought while trying to keep his mind from racing as he took his shower.

After zoning out in the shower thinking the same thoughts as the night before he nearly shouted as the water turned cold from having been in there too long. He quickly hopped out and dried off trying to clear his mind. It wasn't working so, against his better judgement, he got dressed and went to find his brother.

The brunette found Sam outside tossing a stick at Nanook who didn't seem interested. For a minute he watched his little brother try to convince the dog to get the stick before giving up and getting it himself only to throw it again and repeat the process.

"If you're done playing fetch with yourself," Sam looked up embarrassed and tried to deny it, but the other teen continued, "let's go to the beach."

Sam brightened up considerably. "Really!? Awesome! I take it back you're not a jerkface. Let me go grab my swim trunks." With that, he ran back inside followed by Nanook.

Michael walked over to his bike and once again recalled the previous night. His bike brought up memories of a certain group of bikers... vampire bikers.

He shook his head and readied his bike just as Sam came flying out the front door still being followed by his dog. "Sorry Nanook no doggy seat," the younger boy told his dog before jumping on behind Mike.

"I'm ready!" He said happy at the idea of finally doing something.

"Okay, hold on."

He did and then the two were off to the beach. It didn't take long to arrive what with the speed he was going and only once he stopped did Michael realize that Sam had a death grip about his waist.

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