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Rachel's POV

There's something about Shawn, but I'm way to damaged for him.

"C-can I stay a little longer?" I asked shyly.

He frowned, "No, love, you can't but I'll see you next week."

I nodded, and left his office.

The following week was total hell for me.

Cole and his dickhead friends were getting worse, and not to mention, their girlfriends were starting to harass me.

"Look who it is." Sierra chuckled, walking into the bathroom.

I rolled my eyes.

She grabbed my hair, "Don't roll your eyes you bitch!"

I was furious.

I grabbed her hair and pushed her against the wall, making her hit her head.

She pushed me back and suddenly we were on the ground.

Her other friends tried pulling me off, but I had so much adrenaline that I kept swinging.

I had never been into a fight before.

The principal walked in and broke us apart, "That's enough ladies! My office, now!" He yelled.

Long story short, I got all the blame and have detention.

I was pissed.

So instead of going to my appointment, I was stuck there.

Some weird jerks sat behind me, giggling.

Sure enough, they were looking at the picture of me.

"Delete it, or phone gets it." I bark.

They sat back in their desk and got real quiet.

About an hour later, I could go home.

"Honey, I heard what happened, do you want to-" my mom started.

"No, mom I dont." I said.

"Well, I talked to Dr. Mendes. He's going to be out of town next week, so I'll have to reschedule 2 weeks from now." She told me.

I slammed my door.

That's just great. Shawn is the only one that listens, and is the only one who actually cares.

I was overwhelmed and began pacing back and forth.

I just wanted to talk to him.


The next day, I was late to school of course.

"Late." The teacher called out.

I nodded and sat down in my seat.

"We need someone to work with Rachel." She said.

"I'll volunteer." An unfamiliar voice called out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2018 ⏰

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