Chapter 8

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The sound of an alarm echoes through the compound as the saviors awaken from their sleep. I hide behind a door as saviors pass me.


I shoot each one through the head instantly killing them. I stumble into a room and see a bunch of Polaroid images on the wall. They are victims that the saviors had killed. I feel sick to my stomach and leave the room trying to burn the images out of my mind.

I walk the halls trying to find someone I recognize to see what the hell is going on. I'm suddenly grabbed from behind. A man holds me in his grip with a knife to me. Father Gabriel, of all people, opens a door and sees.

"Don't hurt her." He pleads distracting the man.

"Come any closer and I'll slit her throat." He threatens as Gabriel opens his hands as if he surrenders.

I flinch and let out a gasp as my ears begin to ring. A bullet from behind flew right into the guy holding me hostage. I put my hand to my mouth in fear and disbelief and turn around to see Jesus standing there with his gun held up.

"This is the new world." He states coldly.
After the compound is clear we exit to the front of the building.

"He isn't here." I mutter to everyone who has regrouped together outside. Suddenly we hear the sound of a motorcycle. It's Daryl's bike. In a split second Rosita pulls her gun and shoots the man on the bike. He falls over hitting the pavement as we all rush over to him.

"Where'd ya get this bike!" Daryl yells holding him down. The man stays quiet refusing to speak.

"Who are you!" Another voice screams

"I'm Negan." The man says.

"Kendall." Rick calls signaling me to the front as my heart flutters. I push past the group and look at the mans face.

"It's not him." I say almost gratefully.

"You sure?" Rick asks.

"Hundred percent." I say slightly annoyed. Am I sure? Rick I think I would know. I'm on edge knowing the real Negan could be anywhere.

"Who are you?" Rick asks again.


"No. You're not." I say to the man on the ground and turn to Rick.

"They're trained like dogs to say that." I explain turning to the man.

"We better get out of here before they send backup." Jesus says as Rick shoots the man in the head and Daryl gets his bike and we go.

The ride back is quiet Jesus and the rest of the Hilltop members are dropped off and we head home to Alexandria. I want to be sure I get to say goodbye to Tara who is going on a two-week run in a couple days. Tara and I have grown pretty close. We have somewhat similar personalities so that helps too. I feel bad for hiding secrets from this group I now call family. We've been so honest with each other but honestly I never thought I'd have to worry about the past memories.

When we get back to Alexandria I follow Daryl back to our house and decide to take a shower. I close the door behind me and strip myself of my clothing turning on the water. The steam from the shower spirals and fills the room as I look into the mirror. My skin is on the pale side which is weird since I'm literally in the hot sun all day. My dyed black hair is fading and has grown out to be dark brown again and slicked back in the usual ponytail. I have your typical hourglass figure. My round face is splattered in savior blood and dirt.

My mind begins to race as I think of everything that has happened today and a hot tear slips from my eye. Part of me knows that today wasn't the end of the saviors and the thought horrifies me.

I step in the shower, not even bothering to take my hair out of the ponytail, and finally let my suppressed emotions flow. I sit on the floor of the shower and sob. The crying must've echoed or I must have been crying louder than I thought because I hear a knock on the bathroom door.


"Who is it?" I ask trying to sound as composed as possible. I facepalm. Daryl is the only other person who lives here who else could it be?

"Uh, um, it's Daryl." He says awkward as ever.

"What'd you want?" I respond wiping my face with water.

"Can I come in?" He asks even more awkwardly.

"Um well I'm naked so..." I say.

"Oh. Okay." He says as I shake my head. What did he think I was doing in here with the shower running?

"What if I don't look?" He mutters.
Daryl's heart is bigger than he admits. I know he heard me crying and I know he wants to check on me. Of course he'd never admit it.

"It's fine. You can come in." I mutter giving in. It's one thing crying alone in the shower it's another when someone else is around. as I hear the click of the door. I curl up into a ball in the bathtub and can't stop the uncontrollable sobs.
I actually feel Daryl mentally debating on what to do.

"You um... want me to get Rick."

"Yeah let's just invite all the guys to this shower fest." I joke dryly as I can hear him let out a slight chuckle at his terrible idea.

"Want me to get a girl to talk to or somethin'. Like um... Michonne or Tara? Maggie or uh Rosita maybe?"

"No it's fine Daryl. I appreciate your concern." I know I'm literally naked, but him seeing me cry for one of the first times makes me feel fully exposed.

"Well ya don't sound fine." He says as I hear him sit down.

"I should go alone... To fight Negan. I need to be the one who kills him."

"What the hell happened to you that's got you all shook up by this bastard?" Daryl asks

"It's hard to explain Daryl." I sigh.

I hear Daryl get up and leave the room and as soon as I hear the door click I start sobbing once again louder than before. I try to stop immediately when I hear the door reopen but can't. I hear the shower curtain begin to move and flick my head in time to see Daryl with his eyes closed holding a towel. He feels around to turn off the water and hands me the towel to cover myself.

"You decent?" He asks.

"Yeah." I mutter he holds out a hand to help me up out which I accept and walks me to the bed. He sits next to me and puts a hand on my lower back.

"I'm goin' on a run with Rosita in a couple days. Ya want to join?" He offers changing the subject.

"No, it's fine. I promised Maggie I'd help her and Enid with something." I say as he nods.

"It's getting late." Daryl notes looking outside the window at the darkness.

"Yeah." I agree grabbing clothes from my dresser. I walk out of view and change.

"You want me to stay in here tonight?" He asks knowing how terrible I've been feeling recently. Like I said he has a tough persona but that's all it is.

"Could you?" I ask in a broken voice laying in bed. I feel like a child who's scared of a monster in the closet.

"Yeah. I guess." He says as he takes off his shoes. "I won't let no one hurt you again." He says in an attempt to comfort me. I smile. I've really grown on Daryl and he's really grown on me.


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