Chapter 24

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I'm seeing red. Dwight has been helping Alexandria but hasn't offered to help me escape? He hasn't told them I'm alive!

I kick a wall out of frustration. This is bullshit. I begin to walk up the stairs to Dwight's floor. I know this is crazy, running around at 3am and all with Negan lurking somewhere but I am too angry to give a damn. I don't even bother knocking as I try the door which is surprisingly opened. I slam the door behind me.

Dwight is hovered over a pile of papers and when he hears me opening the door he shuffles to hide them.

"Jesus Christ Kendall I thought you were Negan. Haven't you ever heard of fucking knocking! Do you even know what time it is!" He begins to scold me.

"I know what you've been doing." I state eerily calm.

"I- I have no idea-"

"Don't fucking lie to my face! I know you've been helping Alexandria and so help me Dwight if you don't figure out a way to get me out of here I will spill everything I know about what you've been doing to Negan. I'm not playing around anymore. I don't know what you have against me but it needs to stop. This place has been driving me crazy! I tried to kill myself to escape Dwight. I'm losing my mind and Negan has me like putty in his hands. I'll be back you better start planning because I AM DONE WITH YOUR BULLSHIT!"

He looks at me like a deer in headlights. His face sinks slightly.

"I'm upset with you because Negan always lets you off easy. I make one mistake and my face gets fried, you make, what like ten, and get a slap on the wrist. Not to mention you had full access to talk to Sherry whenever you wanted. I- I was jealous." He mutters.

I roll my eyes. "Did you fucking know that Negan gave everyone in Alexandria the impression that I was dead?"

"Yes." He sighs "Negan said he killed you the day you tried to kill yourself. He's planning an attack on Alexandria tomorrow. I warned Rick but a lot of people are going to die Kendall. You need to stop him. You're the only one who can possibly get through to him."

"He's what!" My blood is boiling this is too much for one night.

"I'll figure something out."

"You better because I'm done with these games!" I yell leaving his room. By the time I get back to Negan's room I am relieved to find him not here. I lay down back in the bed tossing and turning for the rest of the night.

How could Negan say that I was dead?

How could I not know about Dwight helping Rick? Why would he even do that?

I wonder what to do at this point. Do I confront Negan? Do I just leave without a trace again?

Before I know it the sun has begun to rise and I hear the door creek open. I roll over and see Negan with heavy eyes walking in. My heart sinks when I see he has blood all over him.

"Who's blood is that?" I ask sitting up.

"Not your damn business." Negan snaps. He then lets out a sigh, "some creepy fucking perverts." He explains throwing his shirt to the side and replacing it with a fresh one.

He looks at me intensely before asking, "where were you last night?"

My heart begins to race, "what do you mean?" I ask.

"I mean I came in here briefly and you were gone. Glad to see you fucking came back this time though." He says through gritted teeth.

"I woke up to get a drink from the kitchen but other than that I was here. I could ask you the same question as to where you were though." I say turning the question on him.

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