Part III: Kiss and Tell (final)

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"Want to go visit Namsan tower with me this Sunday before the new semester? Oh, and just so you're not confused again, I'm asking you out on a date."

"You're so funny," Baekhyun sarcastically remarked as he shifted his upright position on the bed, making sure that he kept the laptop between them stable.

Watching a movie on Netflix had become a normal occurrence over the break (and so did cuddling), so having Chanyeol in his dorm room felt more and more normal each time. At one point, he did worry about being too attached and missing the same activities later when everything was back to normal with the turn of the new spring semester, but that was already a given. He was already expecting to see Chanyeol less and more sporadic than regularly over the course of the months just by the fact that he was a computer science engineer and the workload was more intensive than Baekhyun's own courses. But he decided to just enjoy the few days left they had.

"Is that a yes?"

"Yeah. Sounds fun." The tower was a popular spot for couples to go to for dates, ultimately popular for the locks many people left behind. They weren't official, just casually... together. For a moment, he wondered if Chanyeol wanted to do the whole lock thing, maybe scribble their names on one of the wooden posts on the way up the mountain. It seemed a little too early in their relationship, but there were always exceptions to the rule.

"By the way," Chanyeol started, leaning against Baekhyun's shoulder. "Can I ask you a question? If you don't mind."


"What were you doing at the party that night?" he asked. "I have a friend--Sehun. He's part of the fraternity that threw the party so I've been to a few of the other ones. Most of the people I recognized, but you were just there that one time. You also left really abruptly, by the way. Didn't even catch your name."

"That was the point of leaving," Baekhyun snorted, shaking his head. "A friend of mine was just looking after me. I didn't know you at the time. Plus, I was having issues with my boyfriend back then, so it really wasn't smart to do that with other people and--"

"Wait... Boyfriend?" Chanyeol reached out and tapped the space bar, pausing the movie. Then he turned his head, giving Baekhyun a confused expression. "You have a boyfriend."

"Oh, sorry. Um, we just broke up around then, so he was my ex by the time we met. I kind of just felt like he still was."

"So, no."

"No, I don't," Baekhyun firmly said. When he felt Chanyeol relax, he sighed, grabbing his phone from the window sill where it was charging. After he unplugged the device, he pulled up his last conversation with Jongin. "See? Last thing he sent was an invite to get together with all our friends back home. Up until now, we haven't talked at all."

Glancing at the phone, Chanyeol quirked his lips before looking back and meeting Baekhyun's gaze. "So, what I'm hearing is that you were pretending that I was...him...when we kissed."

"That's not exactly how I'd put it--"

"How would you put it as?"

Baekhyun wasn't expecting the spot light to be on him. In his defense, he wasn't even fantasizing about Jongin that night. It was purely with Chanyeol in mind, but saying it outright probably wouldn't have convinced him enough to believe anything that Baekhyun said. The expression on his face alone said that he was really bummed and--

"I'm just playing around." Chanyeol settled back in bed, leaning against the headboard. "I know. You don't have to look all flustered."
Groaning, Baekhyun smacked his arm. "I'm just trying to make you feel better! You looked all butt hurt a second ago and you're here making me feel bad."

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