Sleeves [Vikklan #41] 3/3

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Vikk's POV

I can't believe this. Its been almost two weeks and they still wont let me come back home.

At least they have given me my phone back, so i did have that. Ive gotten sick of being here and i just want out.

I left my room a lot the last week but now i cant even pull myself out of bed.

I could tell i was getting worse by being here and i just wish i wasn't anymore.

"Can i please come home?" I ask Preston. He just sighed and told me for the 10th time today,

" No Vikk, you can't. We're so close to having everything ready, you just need to be out there for a bit longer." He said. I signed and frowned.

I didn't know what they were doing, but i couldn't tell if it was good or bad.

"But i would like you to leave your room now. Lachlan has a little thing planned for you and him" Preston smirked at me.

He patted my leg and stood up with a smile on his face. "Put some nice cloths on" He said with a wink.

My face went pink and i shot up. If it involved Lachlan, I would do anything. I put on some red and black skinny jeans, followed by a plain charcoal t-shirt.

Walking out of my room, i saw pedals on the ground, and knew it was for sure a team effort on this.

I've talked about Jerome with the whole pedal thing a ton, saying how adorable i thought it was. I walk along the path, kinda feeling very loved.

As i stepped down the stairs, I saw Lachlan, Jerome and Preston down at the bottom of the stairs. The other boys being at home, so they weren't there.

I was nervous, it seemed all too causal for what was happening. "H-hi..?" I mumble to them, fidgeting with my fingers.

"Are you ready to go out?" Jerome asked me, all smiley. I instantly lit up. In two weeks, it would be my first time leaving this house and i was so happy to get out.

Lachlan was dressed up too, he was wearing a white ironed t-shirt with perfectly tight black jeans. It kind of matched my outfit, which was cute.

"W-where?" I asked, clearing my throat. "No clue." Preston and Jerome agreed. Leaving Lachlan to be the only one not to say anything at all.

"You'll be coming out with me for a bit Vikky sticky." Lachlan said, with a sweet smile on his face.

I blushed at this comment and the use of my nickname. "That sounds lovely." I smiled and slightly hid my face in my shoulder.

He stepped closer and lifted my head up by my chin to meet his eyes.

After a second, he grabbed my hand and pulled me off to the front door.

I was excited to have a day spent with this lovely boy.

-Time Skip-

A forest.

Two boys.

A blanket.

A picnic.

It was a perfect place to be at this time. Mid evening and nice weather out.

Lachlan and I sit in the middle of a forest talking about anything and everything above the stars.

"You know we all care about you Vikk." He stated out of the blue. "Y-yeah i know" I sighed, looking down at my hands and playing with my fingers again.

He scooted closer to me, placing a hand on my thigh.

"Its gonna get better Vikky, i promise you. You wont need to hide things with your sleeves anymore." He smiled at me, rolling up my sleeves to my elbow.

It exposed my scars and two week old cuts, but that didn't stop him from kissing every inch of my wrists, hand to elbow.

He reached into his pocket, pulling out a crumpled up piece of paper.

"Written on this is a link. Cheesy probably, but look it up and listen to the lyrics." He said. I took the paper and put it into my pocket.

It was a YouTube video for sure, but what exactly?

-Time Skip-

Tick tock. Tick tock. The clock in my room ticks every second of the hour.

It was going on 2 am and i just couldn't sleep. I suddenly remembered the piece of paper Lachlan had given me.

I sprung up and grabbed the piece of paper out of my jeans that were thrown onto the floor of my room.

I sat in my bed and un folded the paper and opened YouTube.

I typed in the link and listened to the song that started to play. I payed attention to the lyrics and noticed how sweet and adorable it was.

It was all about inner demons. He knew how to make me smile.

Suddenly my phone lit up and buzzed.

LachyDachy: Cause inner demons just wont go away.

I smiled and blushed. A knock at my door sounded through my room, and i paused the song.

"Yes?" I questioned, meaning it was one of the boys. Lachlan walked through the door with his pj pants on and no shirt.

I hid my pink face into my pillow and snuggled into my blankets. "Naw Vikky sticky is blushing." He teased me, sitting on the end of my bed.

"Noooo" I whined, hitting him with a pillow. He caught the pillow, grabbing my clean wrist and pulling me onto his lap.

I blushed even more, if possible, and stared into his sky blue eyes.

"May i come sleep with you?" He whispered, putting a hand on my lower back. "O-of course" I stutter.

He was so beautiful, especially the moonlight hitting his blonde hair. He smiles at me and lays down in my bed.

He opens his arms and i crawl into them, being captured in a hug. "Vikk." He said softly.

"Mmhm?" I mumble to him, getting comfy in his arms.

"I love you and everything about you." He said softly, humming at the end.

"I love you too" I managed to say clearly due to my tiredness.

He kisses the top of my head and tightens his grip on me. "Goodnight Vikky icky sticky" He laughed.

"Goodnight JagBattleDuty" I mumbled to him, laughing a tiny bit.

We both drift off into a deep sleep, knowing how tasty those pancakes are gonna be in the morning.


Lol my dumb self realized that i did this whole thing in a sidemen point of view when the first two parts were the pack. Oopsies its fixed.

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