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Next morning, Tae's pov
I woke up with a powerful headache

I remembered that I didn't use any pillow or blanket to sleep last night , and the couch is not the most comfy place to sleep

I wandered if Jungkook had returned home yet ...

I got up and went to the kitchen to look for some milk , I found the plate of noodles empty , so most definitely that asshole is here but the salad was untouched

I took a spoonful of it and I felt the need to throw up

That bitch will kill me now ,  am I serious ? , sweet salad , how innovative

I'm fucked

Ok , no worries , he won't spill out everything just because I messed some salad , right ?

I have to do something about it , but what ?

I'll apologize to him before anything happens

( look where I am , apologizing to a shitty person just because the same persone made me do something  that I rejected in the first place -  > - ) 

It was currently 6:45 in the morning and me and that bully had school after 1:45 hour 

I went to his room

Opened the door to come face to legs with Jungkook

I didn't expect to the bed to be so close to te door

His legs were so manly , well built up and so ....
A soft snore woke me up from my daydream , ewwww , those legs are so ugly ( sure Tae :p)  

' Jungkook wake up '


'Ohi Jungkook'

No reply

' wake up you asshole '


' I said wake up master '

' where is my breakfast bitch '

Are u fucking kidding me ?

' I didn't prepared it yet '

' do you want me to tell everyone about how much do you like my milk porn star ? '
' porn ..... what ?!? '

' nothing, go and make me some chocolate pancakes  right now '

' ok master '

Did he find out about ..... Naaah he is just blubbering, if he knows he will kill me , literally

The thing that Taehyung didn't know was that a flustered Jungkook was complaining about his life in that very moment

Oooolààààà ! How r u ?
Something juicy is coming next chapter , how do you feel about this story , do you like it ?
I'm putting a lot of effort in it , hope I appreciate my hard wok 😁❤️

Bully or boyfriend ?    Vkook smut Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora