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I can't stay like this for so long

I need someone who loves me I need someone who care of me ,  I need  .......


That's what I was thinking of while Jungkook and the others were yelling at me

Until the professor came and everyone rushed to their sits like nothing happened

I stayed quiet

'Kim Taehyung, what are u doing there , take a sit '

'There are non left mr. Kim (namjoon) '

' you can sit beside Jeon , his table is big enough for three people '
' I can't '

' why u can't ? Camon you are wasting my time '

' he Can't '

'Why mr Jeon ? Do u have any problem with him ? '

' yes '

'What is it Jungkook? '

'He is a gay shit '

Everyone starts laughing again

' what did u say Jeon !?!'

' mmm , nothing...'

' so now , Kim Taehyung, go take a sit beside Jungkook '

I obeyed just because I didn't want to go to detention

'Sorry, can you move a little bit  I can't pass '

No answer

'Please i Need to pass '

Still no answer

' okay '

I moved his chair to the side a little bit until a tight  hold  at my wrist blocked me from doing so

' hey what are u doing? '

' nothing bitch , ur annoying '

' fuck you '

Jungkooks face turned a powerful frown and I swear a saw flames in his eyes

I was scared

' what the fuck did u say ? '

' n-nothing '

'I'll kill u useless faggot '

' please , I'm sorry don't '

' Kim , Jeon ! Detention for 6 hours straight, now , if u try to ditch then you'll be suspended for 2 weeks, clear? '

Jungkook scoffed and I nodded

'I'll come to  control u '

Oho Yon is talking
6 hour straight of  detention , poor Tae
Maybe, MAYBE I'll put some kinky stuff in the next chapter

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