Keith battled away the voice of reason that was Lance and continued to search the sky for a hint of the Galra flyers.

"Guys- skrrtch- back- skrrrrrrtch" Pidge's voice cut out completely and the line to all paladins except Lance blinked red.

"There!" Keith shouted even though Lance would have been able to hear him at a normal volume. Close to the ground, entirely easy to miss, was a Galra flyer. He switched course and Lance followed close behind.

Landing was difficult with the powerful winds buffeting his lion, but it was even more challenging due to the fact that it was changing the sandy ground beneath him rapidly. This made it hard to gauge what was stable and what wasn't. Lance's cockpit appeared on Keith's screen, containing a very worried and disappointed Lance.

"Keith, it's not worth it anymore. Let's go."

"But it's right there!" Keith gestured to the flyer desperately. They were so close to getting answers, they couldn't leave now when the only challenge ahead of them was landing their lions.

Keith touched down in the sand. Lance's frustrated scream rang out but he ignored it, focusing entirely on landing safely. It was rough but after a moment Red settled and Keith was finally close enough to get a clear look at the flyer.

Its wing was broken and sparking. The only reason that Keith had been able to see it in the first place was because of the bright light that flashed every few ticks.

The storm must have downed it, who knows what kind of debris winds like these could pick up and hurl around.

Lance touched down beside him, frowning angrily. "Really?" he muttered.

Keith sighed. Lance had been right. They should have turned around. There was no way they could catch up to or track down the last two flyers in this weather. And who knows what other Galra defenses the others could be fighting off back at that tower right now.

"Lance," Keith started. He wanted to apologize, sometimes he was too impulsive for his own good. But he never got to finish his sentence.

The ground beneath the lions and the flyer began to shake and rumble and before either of the paladins could think to launch back into the air they were sinking. In the time span of one tick the ground below them cracked open and swallowed them up before all of the surrounding sand sank back into the hole they created.

"Lance!" Keith yelled, pulling on his lion's controls trying to get out.

"I'm stuck!" Lance shouted back. All of the light from above was extinguished and they were truly buried alive.

Keith jerked on the controls some more but every time the blasters turned on he seemed to sink a little further. He slammed his fists down on the arms of his chair and grunted angrily.

"I'm stuck too."

"What the heck happened?!" Lance video feed showed him scanning over all of his lion's readouts.

"There must have been an earthquake, or too much weight focused on one spot." Keith tried to explain. Lance stopped looking at his readouts and huffed, glaring at Keith.

"I told you that we should pull back- that the others were waiting. But did you listen? No!"

"Lance I-"

"You can't do things on your own like that, we're a team."

"I know but-"

"Gah! No one wants to listen to Lance! Lance is so stupid- pendejo!" Lance threw his hands up in the air before crossing them over his chest and slumping back in his chair.

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