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Thursday, later in the week after she seen Ezrah

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Thursday, later in the week after she seen Ezrah.

Ke'Ziah's POV

I don't really like the fuckin' riddle.
But if it's an issue, then let's address it, I got other shit to tend to.
Really with the pen, I'm an issue,
But it's not what you saying, it's what you thinking on your mental.
Never diss you, never did shoot, well never could prove.
My young niggas pull incredible moves.
Get off the couch, get money like the Everest dude.
The world tough, boy, don't get beheaded.
You damn right, I could've never better said it.

I was currently sitting on my floor vibing to J.I.D, as I did my hair routine. It was that time of the month to wash and deep condition my hair and also twist it up. It takes me forever to do my hair because its just so much. Elle wasn't answering her phone or texting me back, so I had no choice but to do this alone.

Skylar is on my bed watching Boss Baby on Netflix for the umpteenth time. That's all she watches along with the Secret Life of Pets, Frozen, and Moana.

I already washed and deep conditioned my hair before Skylar woke up so she wouldn't be up bye herself while I was in the shower.

As I was detangling my hair, my phone rung in the normal FaceTime ringtone flashing with Ezrah's unsaved number. He hasn't earned that privilege yet.

I smile to myself and click the answer button with my pink finger since all of my other fingers were covered in moisturizer and oils.

"Hey jhit, I'm bored as shit over here." Ezrah says into the camera. He looked as if he was laying down in a bed and just chilling.

"Aww poor baby." I say laughing as I lean my phone up against my mirror so he could see my full body. A little moisturizer got on the sides of my phone case, but it'll be fine.

"You doing ya hair ainnit?" He asks putting his face closer to the camera looking hard.

"Don't it look like that's what I'm doing?" I laugh out and mumble dumbass under my breath.

"Yeen gotta get smart ma, I'll fix that real quick." Ezrah says giving my a look that made me rethink my whole life. Damn, he fine as fuck.

"Mhm, Whatever." I say not knowing what else to say. I continue twisting my hair as he just stares into the phone not saying nothing.

"You gone talk nigga? I could be on the phone with another nigga if you not gonna talk." I say waiting for his reaction.

"Bet that shit up then. If you wanna die, then go ahead." He says acting nonchalant. I look at him as if he has two heads.

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