My Girl

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~ The next day: at Buckingham Palace ~

Sara yawns, then stretches out her arms- as she smiles at the sight of her father, sleeping soundly.

My father!

Lindsey had missed his baby girl so much, that he had insisted on Susan (Sara 😉) to sleep in bed with him.

It wasn't uncommon for Susan to sleep in bed with her father... when she was a little girl, anyways..

As a little girl, she was prone to having horrible nightmares. The only thing that'd calm her down? was the sound of her father singing Landslide to her.

Plus, as a little girl, she'd sleepwalk on occasion- eventually, she'd find Lindsey in his bedroom, to snuggle up with him.

Lindsey would have liked to tell her to go back to her bedroom, to lay down in the comfort of her own bed- but he never could find it in himself to tell Susan- as he had always felt that she was, in a way, trying to find her mother. Somehow.

"Good morning, peanut," Lindsey smiles, as he wipes the sleep out of his eyes.

"I hope I didn't wake you, daddy," whispered Sara, softly.

"Oh, don't worry about your old dad. I've been up for almost an hour. I just didn't want to wake you up just yet," chuckled Lindsey.

"To watch me sleep?" chuckled Sara, as she slowly rolls her eyes. Mom would do the same 'weird, creepy' thing, dad! in fact, she has- on many occasions!

"Yes... to watch you sleep," Lindsey chuckles softly, as he softly nudges Sara's arm. "And in the process of watching you sleep... I too, fell back to sleep. You know..." Lindsey's voice trailed off, as he emitted a soft sigh. "I've woken up many a night to check on you... to see if you were breathing."

"Aw, daddy," giggled Sara.

"Don't 'aw, daddy' me. It's my job to check on you.. to see if you're breathing. You're my girl," Lindsey smiles, as he sits up, then swings his legs over the bed, then stands up.

"Let's get up for the day, shall we?"

"We shall. We have a big day ahead of us!" Sara smiles.

Sara's excited to see what all the fuss is about at the country club. Sara has always been curious as to what the country clubs are like in America-and has wondered if they're similar to the ones in England. The inside of them, anyways.

However, she doesn't want to get too wrapped up in the splendor of it all, as Susan had told Sara prior to leaving camp, that she's called the club her 'second home', and that she (Sara) should expect to spend some time on the course when she comes home- as their father wants to spend as much time on the course as possible, before Susan is expected to return to school in the fall.

Sara has always been into sports- as her grandfather lives and breathes for sports; golf, especially.

As excited as Sara is to visit 'the club', she's even more enthralled with the prospect of spending some quality time with her dad- to make up for lost time.

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