My Very Own Mother

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~ A few hours later– after Sara and Susan had found out that they're twins ~

Waking up– Susan gasped, as she then proceeds to sit up in bed. "Sar, get up. Get up!" she exclaims.

Susan gently shook Sara– as Sara clings tightly onto her pillow.

Sara grumbles in her sleep, then whines, "mm. Not now, mom! please give me ten more freakin' minutes– then I'll get up, to get ready for school."

Susan chuckles at her sister's refusal to wake up– then, she lightly shook Sara once more.

"Mom! you are relentless... fine! ... what is it, that's so pressing?" Sara slowly opens her eyes, to rub them, before she sees Susan... and not her mother.

"Oh, hm. Susan, hey.. I-I'm sorry... my mom has a tendency to wake me up, and she is worse than–"

"Sara, Sara, Sara," Susan chuckles, as she shakes her head. "I have a brilliant beyond-brilliant idea," Susan said in a high pitched voice.

"You're not planning on moving to the beach, and buying a Harley, are you?" asked Sara with a groggy, and slightly irritated voice.

"What? Heh... no! * chuckles softly *
I have an idea!" Susan smiles brightly, with wide eyes.

"Agh," Sara grumbles exasperatedly. "Can we please talk about this in the morning?"

"It is the morning, sleepy-McSleeperson," Susan sighs– as she is now the irritated one.

"Can we please talk about this later on in the morning? I wanna sleep!" she whines- hitting both of her fists on her pillow.

"No!" Susan stifles a chuckle.

"Why? I wanna sleeeep!" whined Sara in a singsong voice.

"Man! you really are not a morning person, are you?!" Susan laughs.

"Yes.. you happy?! ... I'm not a morning person!" Sara shrugs, as she had added extra emphasis on not. "But Mom's worse... far worse! trust me!"

"Sara! get up!" Susan begins to pull the blankets off of Sara.

"This. Can. Wait!" Sara sighs, then whines.

"This can't wait! ... look alive, sister!" Susan smiles, as she grabs Sara's arm, then gently tugs at it– attempting to pull her up.

"I'd rather be dead," said Sara in jest.

"Up and at 'em, Princess," exclaimed Susan.

"Mm..." growled Sara, "you're worse than my mom! I mean... our mom!" Sara sighs; sitting up on the bed– as she shakes her head in disbelief that she's up at this ungodly hour.

"Our mom! ... I have a mom!" Susan smiles, repeating her sister's words; as a happy tear falls down her cheek.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah... what's all this hoopla about?" Sara questions, as she yawns. "What does one have to do to get a cup of coffee, around here?" said Sara– she has inherited her mother's love of coffee.

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