Chapter 50 - The Confrontation

Start from the beginning

Jonythan, his hands folded across his chest, came to stand next to Denton by the window and joined him in gazing out at the scenery. He stood in silence for several minutes before he spoke.

"This facility was built many years ago as a research facility. It has everything scientists would need for surviving underwater for an extended period."

"Wait, did you say-"

"I did," Jonythan said and nodded towards the window. "This whole facility is underwater. What you see outside this window is a hidden ocean that stretches out under the ice of the Shadowlands. Up there," he said and pointed to the jagged white layer above them, "That is the ice sheet you walked on to get here."

Denton felt his legs wobble and he grabbed onto a ledge to steady himself. "I didn't know-"

"Few people do. The Shadowlands is of little interest to most, but for the scientists of Proxima b, it's paradise. Building this facility was my contribution to understanding the planet of Proxima b."

"And now," Jarell said as he stepped up next to Denton, the gun in his hand, "It's going to be your final resting place."

The color drained from Jonythan's face, and he stumbled backward, collapsing on the couch.

"You wouldn't dare," Carter started and stood up. "What would it accomplish, huh, brother? Killing your own father? You're nothing but a coward," Carter said as he stepped towards Jarell, his finger pointed towards his newfound family.

Jarell rolled his eyes. "Oh shut it already. What do you care? It's not like you have cared much for the family lately, right? Your little side trips to your lover didn't exactly further the Forsythe kingdom, did it?"

Carter shot Jarell a glare and glanced over his shoulder. Jonythan sat upright, supported by Leah, his mouth wide open, his eyes enormous. "You what?" he gasped.

"You didn't know, did you, daddy-oh?" Jarell spat out and laughed. "Of course you didn't. You're the richest man in the galaxy, but you have absolutely no idea about what's going on directly under your own nose. Classic."

"Carter?" Jonythan whispered from the couch. "Is this true?"

Carter stepped up to the window and sighed. He nodded as he turned to face his father. "He's right."

Jonythan stumbled to his feet and approached Carter. "You mean, all those trips here, they were-"

"Not strictly business."

"Ha!" Jarell shouted. "Not strictly business. You have a way with words, my friend. More like looking for lady friends, weren't you?"

"I am not your friend, and she's not like that," Carter said through gritted teeth and took a step towards Jarell, his fists clenched, his arms bent slightly.

Jarell, the old revolver still aimed at the group, took a step back and smirked. "Not so fast. Stop right there, or I'll be the last person you'll ever see."

Carter paused and glared at his half-brother. "You're not getting away with this," he hissed as Denton put his hand on his arm and tugged him away from Jarell.

"See that's where you're wrong," Jarell said and pointed his finger. "Do you really think that I would come this far and not plan it out perfectly? You don't think I'd have a way out?"

"So it was all fake?" Denton said.

Jarell cocked his head and grinned. "Which part?"

"Well, everything. The sabotage of The Descent, your kidnapping, well, everything?" Denton said as he casually moved towards the couch.

"Depends on how you define fake, doesn't it? The code was real. The danger was real. If you hadn't been there, we wouldn't be standing here today."

Denton squinted his eyes as he sat down on the edge of the table. "So, you risked your life to prove a point?"

"You're not as dumb as you seem, even without your digital friend," Jarell said with a laugh. "He couldn't make it, could he? Oh, the limitations of technology. Fantastic, isn't it?"

"Why, Jarell, why?" Jonythan said. "Why not just come talk to me?"

The smile on Jarell's face disappeared in an instant and stepped towards Jonythan. "I've already told you. You abandoned her. She gave up everything for you. For me. What did you do? Nothing!"

"I didn't know-"

Jarell closed the distance to Jonythan and slapped him over the head with the hand holding the pistol. Jonythan cried out, his hands grabbed his head as he collapsed on the floor. "Liar!" Jarell shouted while Leah kneeled next to Jonythan. Denton carefully stood up and stepped away from the others.

"You abandoned her, you abandoned me. Now, I'm going to do the same. You're going to feel what it's like to be abandoned, to be left behind with no hope. You'll remember me, daddy-o, yes you will. I'll be the last thing you'll ever think of as you suffocate in this hole," Jarell raged as he stomped back and forth by the window, gesturing wildly with his hands, the gun still in his right hand.

When Jarell turned back towards the Forsythe's, Denton saw an opportunity. He still didn't understand precisely what Jarell's plan was, but of one thing he was sure. Jarell had to be stopped.

Although Jarell was holding the weapon in his hand, Denton noticed his finger was not on the trigger. Without hesitation, he launched himself towards the panorama window and the babbling Jarell, a scream emerging from his throat as he approached Jarell. In the corner of his eye, he saw Leah look up, eyes large, eyebrows raised while Carter spun to face the commotion. Jarell, his target, saw the incoming threat in the corner of his eye and tried to pivot to face Denton, but he as too late.. They collapsed on the floor in a heap.

Denton reached for the hand holding the gun. He squeezed Jarell's wrist and tried to slam it against the floor. There was not enough leverage. He had to get on top. A swift kick to the stomach deflated Jarell with a huff and Denton rolled on top and straddled him. Jarell squirmed beneath him, bucking like a wild horse. Denton was thrown around as he reached for the gun. He narrowly missed a swipe to the head and lost his balance. With a tumbled backward onto the floor, Jarell sprung to his feet and jumped on top of him, this time holding the barrel of the gun. He raised his hand as he came down on Denton, intent on delivering a blow to his head. The butt of the gun hit the floor as Denton moved his head sideways at the very last moment, then used his knees to push the off-balance Jarell over his head and onto his back on the floor.

Denton was on his feet and on top of Jarell before he had a chance to recover. He grabbed the hand that held the revolver with both hands and slammed it against the floor. Jarell screamed in pain as blood dripped from gashes on his knuckles, but he refused to let go of the weapon. Denton repeated the motion one more time, and the revolver clattered against the floor as it slipped out of Jarell's hand.

"Get the gun, Leah. Hurry!" Denton shouted as he struggled to keep Jarell on the floor. Holding Jarell's wrists down on the floor, he managed to hold him down as Jarell squirmed and grunted below him. "Did you get the gun? Leah? I can't hold him for much longer." When the cold metal of the revolver once again was pressed against the back of his head, he froze.

"Let him go," a voice behind him said. "It's over." 


Well, well, well...who predicted the end of this one? If Jarell's on the ground, who's the other voice? Does he have a partner in crime? What do you think?

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