Tutorial 1: [Brave the New World]

Start from the beginning

No, no. I can have a meltdown later, when I wasn't in a deadass unknown forest, filled with hundreds upon hundreds chances of me getting killed by animals and plants alike.

Okay, okay. Accidental amnesia can be mitigated with structured question.

First, who am I? I don't know, yet.

Second, what is my gender? After slightly check, female.

Age? Still don't know.

Race? Pretty sure still human.

Appearance? Still don't know, but apparently I have gray hair.

Wait what.

I stared dumbly on gray strands hanging just a touch higher than my shoulder.

...Apparently I'm old woman?


Ah, such a pretty, pretty blue... So deep, yet clearer than oceanic Cobalt darkness. Fluff of marshmallow white like stars, fluffy-fluff hanging and grouping and swinging and that's a big, big dragon. Flying like a finely airplane streaking across marshmallow goop, yum, chewy deliciousness— 

Did you know, why when you watching on tv someone trekking through jungle, they never once try picking that one very pretty, and bright looking, and sure was delicious, fruit?

...Because 9 out of 10 chances, that was a poisonous fruit.

And I was the idiot that consumed that very beautiful looking red fruit after mistaking it as red berry.

And that's why, at present, I was sprawling in the dirt, paralyzed and numb, staring into the sky between tree canopies, feeling disturbingly happy.

After that little identity crisis freak-out, I decided to just ignored it for the meantime and went to choose a path to getting out of this forest. I determined the path with following the fall of shadows.

After what feels like 2 hours walking, I was feeling hungry. I did not bring anything when displacement occurs besides the clothes on my body. I began to look around. Forest is a place where food is abundant ... for forest animals, of course.

Meat, I can get it from animals such as rabbits or deer, but of course I have to hunt them myself. And I can't hunt, not yet. I did not have the necessary tools, and do not have the slightest experience in hunting. And even if I'm lucky to find some animals, I can't process and cook their meat.

I saw a lot of mushrooms growing under the large trees, but I'm not sure they were safe for consumption. Pretty sure those neon blue-spotted mushrooms are poisonous. And they have fifty-fifty chances too. Either they have bizarre shapes with one colour theme or rainbow-mixed colour but normal shapes.

This leads me to the third and safer choice, forest fruits.

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