Tutorial 1: [Brave the New World]

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The sense of floating enveloped me. There's a subtle yet bright supernova at the back of my eyes. For a moment, I feel weightless. For that second, I feel with a deep certainty that I'm moving, yet I'm still lying on my back.

And then I was falling.






The wind current struck my back viciously. I'm pretty sure something snapped but I can't feel anything apart from adrenaline and the feeling of my body spun wildly.



<Skill Activated: Teleport>



Groaning, my body crashed into solid ground. I stayed still, uncertain whether my bones fractured or not, and dreading the pain. My fingers twitches, and slowly I wiggled my toes.

At least they're not broken.

Next, slowly move my arms to confirm they're fine too. I wiggled my arms around to create enough room so I can move them in front of my chest. After that I grip the cobwebs and rip them apart.

The light almost blinded me but I didn't care because now I am free!

I took a deep breath, the scents of soils and young leaves assault my nose. The sharp smell of decaying woods mixed up with something resembling musk. After blinking my eyes, I could see tall treetops everywhere. This is a forest.



After cleaning and disposing the rest of cobwebs that clinging to my body, I sat gingerly on a clean patch of forest floor. Now, I can examine my current situation. Especially when I didn't have a monstrous spider that intent to make a meat-burrito out of me.

Right. I can do this.

Okay. First, what had happened before the spider?


Eating. Yes, my mouth tasted sweet. Pastry. I'm eating pastry.

...but before that, what?

...There's a gap in my memory.

(ba-dump. ba-dump.)

Cold already seeps into my blood. My hands tingle with icy air. I could barely wheeze out a breath because my heart speed up crazily.

—No, no. Breath. Calm. Relax. Slowly.

I chokes on breath, forcing my lungs to breath slowly despite black spots already appearing in the corner of my vision. I'm aware I was one minute away from full hyperventilate and anxiety attack even when this is not the best time to do it.

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