Day 11

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Day 11: Future

           Since the day I introduced Gavin to my ‘waving friend’; we’ve been to the Lake Park almost daily. Just like today. Like right now.

“Good evening Ms. Bukater,” someone said from behind me. I knew that voice too well. Way to charm me more, Gavin.

      I think its him although my ears deceived me a lot of times. I turn around since the suspense was eating me alive. It is him. My ears- finally work with my brain.

“Oh! Good evenining Mr. Dawson. What a pleasure to meet you here!” I can be formal too- when I want to.

“Hey you do realise we have names from the titanic? Jack Dawson. Rose Bukater,” he says out of amusement. It took mea moment to figure it out.

 “0h god! We sure do,” I said realising how right he was. Although titanic is my favouraite movie, I never realised. But, that’s the difference between me and Gavin- he notices every little thing. He finally sat beside me and looked out into the lake.

“One more month till you graduate University, one more month till you become a professional journalist and photographer. One month. You already have a job and you got your first pay. You’ve got your future ahead of you, Tania.” He said suddenly- interrupting my thoughts.

“I do. I have it all in front of me every little piece. And yet again, I’m scared. I said to him. I indeed was scared.

“Scared of what?” he asked, surprise lacing his features.

“Scared that I will be lonely; again. Scared that if I decide to live after these 12 days- you will leave me. Scared Liz will find someone better for Cate. Scared I’ll be forgotten.” I say to him, my voice extremely shaky.

“You know what? You WERE lonely- not anymore. You have me and you have Cate- forever. Cate will never let you go. Never. You’re just like another mother to her. The way she looks at you, hugs you, talks to you- it’s just magical. You’ll never be forgotten –ever. You are just one that will be really hard to forget…” He chuckles before continuing “And me, I’m never going to let you go, I will always be here by your side. I won’t leave- actually…I can’t leave. I promise I will be there- always.” He whispered to me and then kissed my cheek. It happens every day but I don’t think I will ever get used to it.

   Just like in any cliché movie the girl says ‘ I got butterflies in my stomach,’ I think that’s exactly what is happening. Believe me mine aren’t butterflies they are mammoths that weight tones.

“Ms. Bukater- number 11: your future.” He mumbled interrupting my thoughts about mammoths. I’d reckon it sure is something- my future.



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