Sohail 's day off.

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The next day I thanked Ishaan for the letter but he just looked at me confused.

"Letter? What letter? I never wrote any letter. If I wanted to tell you something I would tell you face to face not on some kind of letter." he said.

"Well.... don't lie to me Mr because I saw it with m own eyes and did a ghost right it then " I said not believing a single word he was saying.

" I'm telling you Maira that I never wrote you any letter. Where not some kind of high school couple who write secret letter to one another.Why would I lie anyways?" He said in a convincing tone.

"I think you lost your memory again. Let me show you the letter then we'll see who didn't write the letter." I said rushing of to my room.

"Okay then go bring it. Let me see it for myself." Ishaan shouted from behind me.

I looked on my bed side table and it wasn't there. I looked everywhere else but couldn't see a sign of any letter. Where did it go? I was 100% Sure I saw it last night.  I must have throwed it in the bin. I looked in the bin and it wasn't there. There was no sign of it. I got out of my room empty handed.

"So, Miss did you see some letter or was it just your imagination" Ishaan said tilting his head to the side.

"Ishaan it wasn't my bloody imagination . I know what I saw." I said raising my voice a little.

"Maira I think you need to rest a little. You look tired and pale. I'm not saying your seeing things It's just that when your tired  sometimes you just say anything " Ishaan said sounding emphatitic.

"Okay you believe what you want but I know there was a letter there!" I shouted , Frustrated that he wasn't believing me as I turned to go. Sohail 's eye caught mine I thought I saw a little smile on his face. I looked at him and  he straightened his face. Why did I think it before it  could be Sohail. After all he lived in this house with us all. I walked over to him.

"Sohail tell me the truth . Did you write the letter?" I said staring right into his eyes. But he looked at me with his straight face.

"Excuse me Ma 'am ...... but I did not write any letter and I find it kind of offensive that you thought It was me. " Sohail said keeping his face straight like always. Something about him made me believe he had nothing to do with it.

"Are you sure?" I said looking at him right in the eye.

"Ma 'am I am sure I have nothing to do with a letter and please can you not get me involved I come here to do my job and that's it . " He said In his serious tone.

"...... Okay if it wasn't you then ...sorry . I'm really sorry I was just asking ." I said not looking  at him in the eye anymore. I felt a little embarrassed for asking him. Why would he write any letter.  I went past Ishaan who made a face which said ' Seriously' . 

I ignored him and went to my bedroom . I thought of who it might be . what if I was just imagining  it . As I was really tired last night. After an hour of laying down . I went outside to the garden to get some fresh air. Sohail was standing there as always . I looked at him and I  though I saw him wink .  No. I must have imagined it again or something must have gone in his eyes. I looked away and sat there for a abit. I made a mistake sitting out here as Sohail was staring at me blankly . Even though his intention was to not stare at me I still felt uncomfortable. I sat there for ten minutes and went back inside. I couldn't understand his behaviour . I knew it had no bad intention but still didn't like it. I just didn't want him around anymore . Anyways what could I do about it. 

I remembered that Sohail was allowed to take a day of in a week. I got up and went over to Sohail.

" You can have today off." I said cheerfully.

"ermmm..... I can stay if you like." No I really didn't want him to stay.

"No I think you deserve a break ." I said to him with a smile.

".... If you wish Ma 'am but then I'll take this day off." He said . He didn't look very happy about a day  off. 

" I'll go grab my jacket" He said. His shoulders brushed past me as he went past. 

"Oopps.. sorry Ma 'am " He said in the sweetest voice I've seen him speak in.

He grabbed his coat and as he was leaving for the door he said " I'll miss you" And went . why did he say I miss you? He probably meant it in a friendly way. But it was only a day.

After he had left I felt like a tonne of bricks just went off my shoulders.  I went to Ishaan 's room . He wasn't there . I heard a bang from the kitchen and rushed over to it. There I saw Ishaan and a whole load of mess. He looked at him like an innocent kid who just broke something. I burst out laughing and he gave me a nervous grin not knowing if I was angrily or not.

"Ishaan what is all this?" I said looking at his innocent face.

"....ermmm ... Mess" 

"well that is a bit obvious but how?" I said smiling.

"ermmmm... I was trying to ermm....make rice." He said turning red. His face had stains of flour , his hair was messy and His clothes wear filled with stains. I shook my head.

"Why?" I said looking at the big mess

"Oh.... because you had a headache so you couldn't make dinner.... so I though I could make it for you." He said giving me a fake smile.

" But next time please don't but anyways I need to tell you something I gave Sohail a day off so he isn't here today." I said in the most excited voice ever . 

Ishaan looked happier them me . I helped him clean and showed him how to cook rise.

For the rest of the day we had fun together. I got out on the Jeans, T-shirt and jacket on and the pumps Ishaan bought me and showed Ishaan how I looked. He told me that we would be going to the theme park so I got into the striped dress he bought me and the pumps . They were the most comfortable  shoes I've ever worn. Ishaan got into his best clothes and we went to the theme park . This time I went on the scary rides and enjoyed my time. We went to the Bazaar and he bought me candyfloss , ice-cream and all kind of things that I only tried once or never tried before. We went for a walk on these big hills where there was nobody and he had races. After a day of just fun we came back home and had  talk about the day .

But before we knew it we were asleep instantly.

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