Ishaan meets sohail

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"Is that you...." Ishaan said coming closer to get a better view off Sohail.

"Yes It's me Sohail" Sohail said getting up.

"Really. What ? Is that actually you?" Ishaan said still not sure of what he was seeing.

"YES man it's me Sohail. Sohail Ali" Sohail said in his convincing voice.

"What makes you come here 'Sohail Ali'?" Ishaan said . It looked like they didn't have a good relationship.

"I am your bodyguard sir" Sohail said getting up for a handshake.

"Wait what? Bodyguard?.... sir?" Ishaan said looking shell shocked.

"Maira what is all this?" Ishaan said making a confused face at me.

"Take a seat Ishaan and calm down. So... this is Sohail -it looks like you two already know each other. So, Sohail has been sent from England bye your parents for our and our houses security . He is a 24 hour security Bodyguard and his job is to keep us safe. And yeah He'll be staying with us." I said to a surprised Ishaan,

"What the hell.... all this just happend out of nowhere. Firstly, We don't need a bloody bodyguard and specially not a 24 hour one. I need to talk to Dad." Ishaan said getting up.

"No Ishaan . I already talked to him and it will be pointless for you to call him. It is better for us to have a bodyguard after all you still have wounds to heal and memory loss."

"Seriously Maira . You have me you don't need a bodyguard. And I have no wounds that need healing. Look I'm perfectly fit and fine. I can walk, talk, run, breathe, eat . And my memory is perfectly fine that's how I remember Sohail otherwise I wouldn't have even remembered I went to high school. But.. okay We'll have a '24 hour bodyguard' then. But I'm telling you Maira I am perfectly fine, I got my memory back and I can protect you."Ishaan said looking into my eyes.

I was just thinking about one thing Ishaan had his memory back. He actually had it back. He was that normal Ishaan again. I was so happy that I  hugged him.

"Ishaan do you remember everything. Have you actually got your memory back I'm soo happy. I got my old Ishaan back. And I think Dad And Mum will make Sohail still stay with us. "I said letting go off Ishaan 's shoulders.

"Yes Maira you got the real me back. And Sohail-the talk of high school is my bodyguard. Intresting . Nice to see you again Mr Ali." Ishaan said in a tone that didn't mean to be nice.

"Nice to see you too..... Isha... Sir" Soahil said looking Ishaan in the eye.

"So how did life go after high school." Ishaan said sitting on the chair opposite Sohail.

I knew they had a relationship but not a very good one. 

"Life was okay.. i went to collage and found myself a job." Sohail said still looking at Ishaan in the eye.

"Okay . I'll tell you about my life after high school. I went to sixth-form then university got all my Degrees  and Masters and graduated then I did diplomas and found my self lots of experience. I travelled the world to see and explore what was out there. I came back to Britain and I worked hard and became a traveller and I went to India, Pakistan , Africa , China and all sorts of places . I volunteered and gave as much money as I could to charity. And I lived my life the way I wished." Ishaan said with a smirk that was trying to proof a point . There was something between them that I didn't know. I was surprised that he remembered all this which meant that he had his memory back.

"Intresting. Nice to here." Sohail said  looking like he didn't care.

"I must get on with my job. You see I don't have time to sit around." Sohail said  giving Ishaan a fake smile .

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