My Birthday.

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We got in the Taxi with Sohail following us. We looked weird as you wouldn't normally see someone moving around with a Bodyguard right behind them. If Sohail wasn't there me and Ishaan would have talked non-stop but we couldn't. After a short drive we arrived at our destiantios. I got out the Taxi to see thoussnads of big rides in front of us.

"Isn't it amazing. It's a theme Park." Ishaan said looking up at the big place,

"What is a  theme park?" I said not recgninsing the word.

"Oh it's a place of full of roller costers and rides. It's amazing . Come on Maira lets go enjoy." I guessed that a roller coaster was a big ride. 

Ishaan turned around to see Sohail standing there.

" ...... Sorry you have to stand there cause I didn't pay for your ticket and you can still gurad us out here . We won't run we'll be inside"  Ishaan said looking at sohail in the eye.

"It's a big place . I need to be there it's my job"  Sohail said in his expressionless tone.

" Someones not gonna kidnap us and you won't be allowed in ." Ishaan said giving Sohail a fake smile.

"You never know anyone can kidnap you or do anything. And I can buy a ticket for myself right now." Sohail said taking his sunglasses off.

"So your saying . Me and Maira who are grown Adults can get Kidnapped and I'll put it in simple words .I Don't want you to come." Ishaan said putting emphasis on his last sentence .

"Sir it is not about what you want. It's about being your bodyguard which means to guard your body where ever you go that's why its called a Bodyguard sir." His voice was calm but I could tell he wasn't calm.

"Well if you really our MY  Bodyguard then I wish that  you don't gurad my body right now and it's my choice when I want you around our not." 

"Sir your not getting my point . I have been paid bye someone else and been ordered bye someone else to be your Bodygaurd not when you wish .It's for 24 hours." Sohail said with a little bit of anger in his voice.

" I'm sane . I can take care of myself and Maira. I planned this trip for Maira 's birthday for us two to know each other a little but more and have fun together not for some Bloody , Stuburn bodyguard to poke his nose in our Bussinuss and stand  behind us when he doesn't need to be there!" 

"Shut up . For goodness sake you talk like he's nobody Ishaan I thought you were gonna make this day fun for me but no your making it the opposite of fun. It's meant to be a day for me to have fun not too hear you 2 to have argumenats like a  baby. Can't you remain silent Ishaan, Let Sohail do his job and let me have fun. Please just get on Ishaan. You don't have to continue the argument and act like your doing it for me casue I just want you to remain silent can't you even do that" I said finally making Ishaan shut up.

"Sorry Maira.... I didn't mean to upset you...... Just that I thought you'll have a better time if we were on our own........ But if you don't mind then he can come....." Ishaan said lowering his voice. He looked a little hurt . 

"Sohail go get your ticket we'll be waiting." I said in a calm voice. There was a big queue for the tickets so it took him a long time. Ishaan didn't talk he just put his hand in his pocket and stared at the floor. I  shouldn't have said that over nothing after all it didn't concern him if Sohail was there he was doing it for me. He looked hurt because I had never raised my voice at him or said something mean to him.  After 20 minutes Sohail came running back and we entered the gates . 

I looked at all the big and sacry rides and wanted to try them all.

"Lets go on that one . The one over there. Look the ones that's in the air and is spinning." I said pointing at a scary ride in the distance. 

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