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None of it was the same all of it different varieties of suffering for me. Humiliation and beatings with comments burning themselves into my memories.  Burning water raining down on me with those sadistic psychos enjoying making a fool out of me.

Electrocution from a collar and the fear that began eating me from the inside.  The poorly concealed terror as I was forced to perform in front of a sociopath who called himself a man of science.  Rubble striking my head and giving me a concussion making me loose some time. 

Watching your hope and dreams of coexistence and a better future die with one of the best people you've ever known in your life.  Being do weak and helpless unable to stop the bullet only capable of watching. 

Ignored by the sibling only to have them point something out and forget about it. Almost completely cast aside and forgotten.

Someday I'm giving back all this paim but I'm multiplying the effects and making sure everyone gets what they deserve.  And I finally get justice for everything I've suffered that everyone's overlooked.

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