Common Misconception

Start from the beginning

'Lesson? As in a school?' I peer around her at the smaller demons, noting that they all have distinctive features but are all equally terrifying in their own way. I found I could not look at them long because I was unsettled by their unnerving stare. It seemed like every eye was on me, not the King at my side. One's lips even spilled drool onto the stone path. A little anxious, I sought safety by standing partially behind Phil, knowing that he'll protect me should any of them decide to pounce. My companion sighs deeply but smiles politely at the woman.

"I suppose I can spare a few minutes, but be quick with it." Clasping her hands together, the woman giggles joyously. She was much too cheery for my tastes. I couldn't help being on edge.

"Excellent!" With the turn of her heel, she faces the children, who's eyes immediately fix onto her. I feel a squeeze around my hand and look up to find a reassuring gaze on Phil's features, which helps to ease me, as the woman begins the lesson with a rather irksome question. "Now, does anyone know what that is?" My jaw nearly dropped when a crooked finger pointed at me. I knew right away where this was going, and it made my stomach flip because I know Phil is in no mood to deal with another one of these mixups.

"A lamb!" They shout, almost in perfect sync. In that moment, I could practically feel the anger radiating off of Phil, though his grip had not tightened in the slightest, nor did he twitch.

"Precisely! Now, this is a very important lesson indeed. You see: she is not chained up yet, which means she's ripe for the taking. Of course, she has already been chosen, as you can see—"

"Pardon," Phil intervenes, restricting the annoyance in his voice, gaining the teacher's attention.

"Yes? You have something to add, my lord?" Her excitement grew at the thought of him contributing to the lesson, probably expecting him to say something that'd wow them. In a way, he would.

"I'm afraid you are mistaken. This woman is not a lamb." The kids all gave a look of confusion, and their instructor was baffled as well. "She is what is called a sheep. Does anyone know what that name means?" The woman nearly choked and sputtered out quiet nonsense, unsure if she should intervene; in fact, she looked quite fearful. Likely, she assumed that if she did interrupt someone of such high standing, she'd be punished for it. Long claws stretch towards the crimson sky and waved like crazy for the attention of the King. Phil ushers the child to answer his query with the slight nod of his head. With all the confidence in the world, he shouted this,

"My friend says that sheep are for pussies and that they should all be exterminated!" The boy spoke with the most cheerful grin on his lips, expecting to be told he was right, while his response left me frozen in shock. Is that how the people in my position are viewed in this world? Is it so bad that a demon sought company in another person? Why would such an idea be hated so? I thought for sure Phil would take the boy's head off then and there, but he restrained himself, speaking calmly, yet deadly, with narrowed eyes.

"I'm afraid your friend is incorrect. A sheep is a person a demon holds fondness for, someone who brings joy into their life that isn't a passing fling. Though, a sheep is not limited to their titles. They can be servants, they could be other demons, or they could be like mine," With a gentle shove, I'm placed in front of him, something I didn't much appreciate. I don't like how the one with two heads is staring at me. I remain stiff as his hands plant heavily on top of my shoulders and do my best not to shake. "A living human. They can also carry a certain label, depending on the sort of relationship they agree upon: a servant, a pet or, more uncommonly, a mate."

The very mention of a mate was enough to get their noses to scrunch in disgust. It was a reaction that almost made me feel shameful to be a sheep. Are his subjects going to treat him differently knowing he has a sheep now? Will they view him as a weaker being? Will they not think him worthy of his crown because of me? I look down at my feet as these questions race through my head, but his next words seemed to be a hidden message to assure me, though he was still speaking to the kids.

"Though it is not a common practice, it should not be treated as a weakness. There is no point in denying emotions. It'll only make them fester, and if that happens, that is what'll be a person's downfall." I stare up at Phil in awe, nearly brought to tears by the sincereness of his tone. If I wasn't so nervous right now, I might've whispered a thank you. The teacher clears her throat, bringing everyone's gaze back to her as she asks,

"C- Care to explain which category yours falls under?" She did little to hide her distaste for the subject, though she still put up a polite front. She almost seemed hopeful that I might just be a close, personal servant to Mephistopheles.

"A pet for the time being."

  "I see... Well, we best be off. Don't want to keep you. I'm sure you're a busy man. Come along now, children!" She shepherds her school of monsters away as quickly as possible to get out of our way, seeming to regret coming over. This makes my companion huff.

"What was that all about?" I ask, looking up at him as he continues to glare in their direction.

"Not everyone sees eye-to-eye on the sheep thing. A lot are against it," he explains before muttering something under his breath that I didn't quite catch. Whatever it was got him to sigh and slump his shoulders as he peers down at me with apologetic eyes. "I'm sorry if they bothered you." I shake my head.

"It's fine. It was just unexpected. I'm guessing that was some sort of school or something, right?"

"Basically. Essentially, they wander around, questioning random demons on tips to help the newcomers prepare for their future duties here in Hell and to give them a good grasp on how things are run down here. Our term for them is packs. They are led by a host, like that woman, who houses and teaches them until they decide they're ready to live on their own. The number of packs have been increasing as of late. More sinners are finding their way here, and we can use all the help we can get. Sometimes, there are more people than we know what to do with. That can lead to many troubles."

  "That's interesting."

"Packs are still a new practice, but they've been working well, I think. It only started up a century ago... Oh, but I suppose that'd be considered a long time for a human, like yourself. That is essentially a whole lifetime for you." I simply nod. "Also, sorry for putting you in the spotlight. Preferably, I'd like for more demons to know you are mine. It will make things much easier to ensure your safety."

"Do whatever you think is necessary, then," I say with a smile. "I know how much it frustrates you to hear them mix things up, and I'd hate to be more trouble than I'm worth."

"Don't say such silly things, you are no trouble for me, Y/N. If it came down to it, I'd exterminate all of Heaven if it meant you'd be safe." His gruesome compliment sent my heart aflutter, and I could tell he meant it too. If he wasn't so damn tall, I'd kiss him. I settle for holding his hand, for now, and give it a tight squeeze. This brings a smile to his face. "Let's head back to the castle. Lord Lucifer is likely waiting for my return, and if I make him wait too long, he might blow a fuse," he says lightheartedly.

"Oh? Is he short-tempered?" I wonder.

"I wouldn't say that, but he has a habit of playing pranks whenever I'm late to 'teach me a lesson'. The last time, I found my throne seat covered in Cerberus' slobber, then when I stood up, Sabbath had somehow managed to tie my shoelaces together. He's a quick, little bastard, I'll give him that." Phil heaves an annoyed sigh at the memory, while I stifle a laugh. I find it funny how a scary, demon king and Lucifer himself mess around like immature children when no one's looking. I suppose everyone likes to let loose sometimes. He cracks a smile at me. "Besides, there's still one more thing I'd like to show you." Now, that peeked my interest, but when I asked what it is, he refused to tell me.

He became more amused when I persisted and pleaded him not to keep it a secret, but his lips were sealed the whole way back to the castle.

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