Luckily, Teagan knows how to do just that.

She glances at the clock as she gathers her things into her bag and sees that it's almost eight thirty. Her supervisor probably won't say anything if she leaves a little early. And even if he does, she'll just say she had an emergency.

She quickly leaves the building and heads through the streets until she gets to her apartment building. She goes up to her apartment, unlocks the door, and goes inside.

Immediately, she throws her things down and goes into her bedroom. She changes out of her work clothes into some jeans and an old long-sleeved shirt. She grabs earbuds and hangs them around her neck as she goes into the supply closet and begins rummaging through her things.

She takes out a spray bottle full of cleaning liquid and then puts some rubber gloves in her back pocket. She grabs a small flash drive and an old rag and stuffs those in with the rubber gloves.

After she has everything she thinks she'll need, she connects her earbuds into her phone and then puts the left earbud in, without any music playing. She quickly looks at the address of Stanek Lab and then pockets her phone as she heads out onto the street.

She moves through the familiar streets until she gets to a bus stop. Once she's there, she sits down on the bench and waits.

Seunghoon isn't going to be very happy when he finds out she went to this lab alone. He'll probably tell Teagan she's crazy for going alone and not telling him. He'll probably be upset, but only because "he wants to keep her safe" or something.

Teagan can't help but smile a little bit at the thought.

But then the bus rolls up to the stop and she remembers what she's about to go do.

Along with her spray bottle, she boards the bus and sits down somewhat close to the front. The bus starts moving and Teagan takes her phone out, checking the address again of Stanek Lab.

It's right on the border of the fifth and sixth sectors, a few dozen miles down from the fourth sector.

Teagan is really going out of her way to get this information, so she better make this trip worth it.

She can't go to Yoon empty handed.

She needs to find answers.

The bus rumbles to her stop and Teagan quickly gets out and starts moving down the streets toward Stanek Lab.

She really hopes her plan works.

Once she reaches the lab, she sees there is a gate around the lab itself.

She takes a deep breath and moves toward the front gate, where a man sits in a small booth.

"Hello?" She says politely, with a slight smile.

The man looks up from his phone, a glare settling on his face. "Who are you?"

Teagan smiles a little brighter. "I'm here for the cleaning."

"Cleaning?" The man raises his eyebrows. "At this time of night?"

"Hmm?" Teagan gives a confused look. "This is the time they told me to come in. Is it the wrong schedule?"

The man sighs. "No, no, it's fine. Just go inside and ask Marie where you should go."

Teagan nods and gives another polite smile as the man opens the gate for her to get through.

She quickly moves toward the front doors of the building, opening them cautiously and stepping inside.

The walls are a creme color and the tile on the floor is a brown color. It doesn't seem much like a lab, more like an office building or something.

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