the invitation

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the invitation

Eight and a half years previously...

     Heidi looked up as Simeon approached. She gave him a small smile as he came to a stop just before her desk. Heidi had been charmed by the younger Harris ever since he had become a part of the company a year and a half ago. She had always found his straightforward ways and careless movement refreshing.

      "Good morning Simeon," she said.

      "Morning Heidi," he replied. Over the last three years, he'd gotten taller and less gangly, instead starting to fill out in an appealing way.

     Unfortunately, however, he still dressed terribly, hiding his potential. She wanted to change that, but he could never afford her services or a new wardrobe... unless he took her unorthodox advice.

       Heidi pushed that thought away, knowing full well that Simeon would not accept that route unless he needed to.

      What a pity.

      "Mr. Harris and your brother are already here," she said.

     "I'm not late, am I?" he asked, paling at the thought.

     "Not at all," she said hastily, glancing at her wristwatch. "You're ten minutes early. They only arrived about five minutes ago."

     "Oh, okay," he said. He released a breath and turned to head to the office, looking as if he were about to enter a war zone.


     Simeon entered his father's office, closing the door behind him with a click. Two identical pairs of dark blue eyes landed on him as he approached the conference area.

    "Good day Sir, and Ryan," he greeted as he dropped down onto a chair.

     "Simeon," Rufus said with a nod.

     "Brother," Ryan murmured with a polite smile. He was older than Simeon by 2 years, and was a carbon copy of their father. Even their speech patterns and mannerisms were similar. When they'd first been introduced, Simeon had expected Ryan to treat him unpleasantly, especially when Rufus had explained that the two of them were essentially competing to inherit the company after his retirement.

     He'd been surprised when Ryan had instead treated him with civility - more like a coworker than a brother, but Simeon was more than okay with that. He had bigger things on his plate to deal with without the addition of a petty rivalry, such as graduating from university and wondering if his mother would ever forgive him for what she felt to be a betrayal.

     "Since we're all here, I'll start. This meeting is to give you a brief summary on your progress in this company, and voice some concerns," Rufus began. He sat at the head of the table, the wall of glass providing a picture perfect backdrop.

     "Ry, you're maintaining great progress with the accounting department. I've heard nothing but great reports."

     "Thanks Dad."

     "Simeon, though you did well in the IT department last month, you're not doing well with the marketing department. They say you're not good with people. That's a problem. As a Harris looking to be in a key role in the company, you're going to need to know how to be charismatic.

     "All that being said, I decided that you boys need a real challenge."

     Rufus slid them each one of the two files that had been laid out in front of him.

     "This is your project. We're looking to buy these two companies. Research them. Know them well. Eight weeks from now I expect that you've successfully convinced their owners to move forward with negotiations for sale. If you have any questions, find someone who will answer them that's not me. This is a test, and I don't expect anything but good results."

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