"Do I know you from somewhere, miss? You look oddly familiar," I flinch, I didn't know anyone would recognise me in this town. Dammit reputation.

"Uhh... I think you have the wrong person? I don't think I have seen you before. I'm just visiting town for a, um," I stumble on my words, trying to think of an excuse instead of accidentally scaring the cheerful woman, "a friend!" I finish and sigh to myself in relief.

"Ah, okay. I must've been mistakin'. I thought you were that really powerful wizard, Y/N L/N, I've heard rumours about. Anyways, have a wonderful night!"

I make my way out the door and about a block down the street before sighing. "Shit," I mumble to no one in particular, "my cover was almost blown. Guess I'll have to check if word has gotten out about me heading to Magnolia."

▪Time Skip•
11:31 PM

I've found myself a decent hotel to stay in. Finished my cheesecake. The baguette I'm saving for tomorrow's breakfast if I can grab myself a small package of butter or two in the breakfast bar. I take off my clothing and put on pjs. Thank God no more bra. I plop in bed and almost instantly fall alseep.

▪Time Skip•
7:50 A.M

Buzz Buzz. Buzz Buzz. I smack the alarm clock I had set, resulting in me almost breaking it.

"aaaaaAAAAAAAGGHHHHH," I basically shout as I push the covers off myself. "LIFE SHOULD NOT BE THIS COLD AT THIS MOMENT OH MY GOOO-" I shut up before I wake up anyone. I roll out of bed and with a soft thud, I'm laying face down on the floor, basically falling back asleep. I slap myself.

"Don't fall back asleep, bitch," I encourage myself. (Ily guys, this is just how I wake up in the morning, so here, have my wake up routine). "Might as well shower and get ready for my day."

Morning Routine Completed▪
8:30 AM

"Ahh, now that I've had my shower, I feel much better. I'm looking decent for public. My messy H/L H/C is now brushed and curled at the tips, the bags under my e/c eyes are magically gone due to make-up, my savior. I'm ready." I basically pep talk to myself.
(For the hair, you don't have to have that exact hair style, make up whatever you want tbh. Just throwing around ideas)

Alrighty, looks like I'm going to eat without butter for my bread because I'm fucking hungry.

I grab my bread and break it to bite pieces, I couldn't really cut it up because I have no knife, just my katana if I don't feel like using magical energy, and I don't exactly know any shops- oh fuck the excuse. I'm lazy. I ain't buying a knife. I stuff my face with bread and grab my luggage and money.

I sign out of the hotel early, I want to get more of a feel of the town before I have to go to Magnolia. "Do I really need anything? Maybe clothing... I need money too. Shit. At least I have enough money for some food, a train ticket, and some extra spending money. Fuck it. I'm getting something cute from a clothing store."

▪Time skip▪
11:43 AM

I ended up only buying a shirt. It was a f/c shirt with a white rose on the top right of it. (Sorry if your favorite colour is white) I didn't want to spend too much money. I look at the cute shirt I had bought and then check the time on a small clock they had in the clothing shop.

"11:43 AM? Did I really spend that much time buying a shirt and roaming around? Damn. Better get some lunch before I head to Magnolia."

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