"Sup Mercedes.." One dude said, he pulled up his hoodie and it was Zane.

"Oh hey Zane!" I said.

"Y'all know each other?" August asked.

"Obviously .." Zane said putting his hoodie back down.

"What are y'all doing, sitting on the corner?" I asked then I saw some bags. I picked it up and it was weed.

"Y'all selling ?" I asked kinda shocked.

"You can't tell nobody.." August said.

"A nigga ain't Tryna get caught.." Zane said. I put the bag back where it was.

"Um ok, I think I wanna go home now. " I said starting to walk off when August pulled me back, kissing me.

"Be safe princess .." He said smirking. I slightly smiled.

"Uhh you too!" I said as I crossed the road, heading home again. I looked back to see they were gone. After a while, I had finally made it home and saw my mom car in the driveway, ugh. I took my key out, going inside, to see her on the couch, ughhhhh.

"What are you doing home so early?" She asked , muting the tv.

"Because I wanted to.." I said , going upstairs to my room. I locked my door,changing clothes and just decided to take a nap.


I woke up by my laptop ringing from a FaceTime call. I got up, opening my laptop to see that August wanted to FaceTime, I answered it . After a few seconds of connecting, I saw his face. I put my beats on so I could hear him in private.

"Hey " I said yawning.

"Hey aw did I wake you?" He asked , I nodded.

"Yeah but I was bout to get up anyway.." I said, he nodded.

"O ok, bout today-" I cut him off.

"It's ok, I'm not going to rat you out.." I said mocking him from earlier, making him laugh.

"Nah not that but good!" He said. " I miss you already.." He added. Making me smile, then I heard a knock at my door.

"Hold on.." I said, he nodded and I got up , going to the door. I opened it to see my mom. She had a sympathy look in her eyes as she came into my room.

"Merecedes we need to talk."

"K about what?" I said, now attentive. She sat on my bed, not noticing August on my laptop.

"Well..I've been stressed a lot lately and the reason is because i lost job bout a month ago, I didn't know how to tell you guys yet so I didn't. But I thought it would be a good time now because I needed to tell you that we may not be living here too much longer, and you may not be able to go to college. I broke up with john so he probably won't help us, I'm sorry Mercedes.." She said beginning to tear up.

"Mom.." I said softly.

"I-I havnt told Lexus yet, she went to stay with grandma for the week. I just don't know what to do..at this point , we may both need a job." She said beginning to cry, with her head in her hands. I sighed loud as I placed my hands in my hair. Then she turned around and noticed august.

"Mercedes why are you talking to him?" She yelled, pointing to August. Her mood changed fast.

"Mom why shouldn't i?" I asked.

"He's no good, don't talk to him!" Now she was making me mad.

"Mom that's not true, he's not. I going to talk to him!"

"Not in my house your not, delete his number now!"

" mom im 18 I can choose who I can talk to!!" I yelled back.

"You know what, I'm so tired of you and your little Attitude, I bust my ass for you and this how you repay me,unless you stop talking to him, you can move out Friday but until then, start looking for a job!! . " she yelled and slammed the door, as she left.

I sighed loud, fighting tears of aggravation.

"I'll call you back tomorrow August .." I said low as I hung up before he answered. I closed my laptop, putting it on my desk. Then my mom came in, taking my tv,laptop,and phone. Then walking out.

I just pushed my face in my pillow ask held it. I swear I'm starting to hate my life....


Quick nice update.
It's bout to get real interesting but feedback! Thxs

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