douze - Jun

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"I would love to continue but unfortunately, the comeback showcase has finally come to an end," Feeldog announced.

The crowd of UNMes began to groan, wanting it to last longer.

"Don't worry everyone! We'll be on m countdown soon so we can see you then~!" Kijoong said, waving to the crowd.

"Let's performance our last song and we'll see you guys at m countdown!" Daewon said excitedly.

The crowd started to become happier and the boys prepared for the last song. Once the song was over, the boys said their goodbyes and made their way backstage.

Jun was the last one to leave the stage and you were standing there, waiting for him. When he made eye contact with you, he quickly walked over and tried to hug you before you stopped him by throwing a towel at him.

"Good job mister center," you said, grinning at him.

"Why thank you," he grinned back.

"Go get changed. You smell." you pinched your nose and wave the air in front of him.

Jun let out a chuckle and went to go change while you went to go talk to the other members and congratulating them.

"Y/N, did you have dinner yet?" Hojung asked.

You shook your head, "No, I came right after I finished my lecture."

"Why don't you join us then?" Marco asked.

"I would love to but I have an 8 am tomorrow."

"8 am? It's almost midnight." Hansol mumbled.

"I wish I could stay but maybe next time?"

The other agreed and made sure you made plans with them for next time.

Jun finally finished changing and came out to where you were. Going to your side, he pulled you into a tight hug.

"Are you coming with us, babe?"

"No, I have an 8 am tomorrow and I already told the members."

"Really? That's a bummer. Well, then let me drop you off to your apartment." he pouted.

"What about dinner?"

"It's fine. It's too dangerous to ride the bus or train so I'll call a taxi for you."

"But isn't that more dangerous..? Since I'm alone."

"Yes, but you'll get home quicker. besides, you have that pepper spray I gave you."

"I guess. Then let me tell the boys I'm leaving and can you call a taxi for me?"

Jun gave you a nod and you quickly went around and bid your goodbyes to them. Once you were done, you noticed that Jun wasn't inside so you went out and saw him there.

"The taxi should be here in about 10 minutes," he said.

You let out a hum in response and waited for the taxi with him.

As time went by, it started to get cold and you couldn't help but shiver and pull your cardigan closer.

'I should've brought a thicker coat.' you thought.

After a bit more thinking, you felt something warm wrap around you.

"Take my jacket, it's cold outside." you looked to see your boyfriend handing you his jacket.

"Don't you need it?"

He shook his head and just as he was about to reply, the taxi came into view. He quickly turned to you and made sure you had everything.





"Pepper spray?"




When the taxi made its stop, Jun opened the door for you and kissed you before letting you in.

"Call me when you get back!"

"Okay, Junyoung."

"I love you and stay safe!"

"I love you too Junyoung, and you too! Don't drink too much."

Jun let out a grin and closed the door before knocking on the trunk, to signal that you're good to go.

"Is he your boyfriend?" the taxi driver asked.

"Yes, he is."

"Looks like you've got a keeper there, young lady."

"Thank you, sir."

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