cinq - Marco

283 14 7

"Marco~" nothing.

"Marco~~" nothing, once again.

"Lee Hyunggeun wake up or you'll be late!" you grabbed the blankets from his bed and yanked it off.

"Let me sleep more," he whined as he tried to reach for the blankets.

You clicked your tongue and put his blanket on the floor before going over to his side again.

You leaned close and whispered in his ear, "Lee Hyungeun if you don't wake up I'll expose your old modeling photos to the other members of UNB."

That must have done the trick because he got up right away and went straight to the bathroom. You chuckled and picked up the blanket from the floor and made his bed.

Once you were done, you went into the kitchen and prepared breakfast for the two of you. Since Marco was in a bit of a rush, you decided to make the two of you egg toast and made sure it was on the go for him.

When you were finished with breakfast, you slowly made your way around and looked to see what you needed to buy from the grocery store. Just as you finished your list, you see Marco walk into the kitchen fully dressed at ready to head out.

"All done?" Marco asked as he walked in and grabbed his breakfast.

"Yeah, let me just grab my purse and we'll leave together."

He gave you a nod, "I'll wait for you by the front door!"

Quickly walking back, you put your shoes on and made your way out the door with Marco. The two of you walked hand in hand until you guys made it to the lobby. When you exited, you saw the van filled with other UNB members.

"Morning, Y/N!" Euijin greeted from the passenger seat.

"Morning Euijin oppa!" 

"I'll see you again for dinner?" Marco asked, turning to you.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I am."

"Okay. Have a good day at work, honey."

"You too~"

You gave a kiss to Marco on the cheek and made your way to the grocery store.

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