Chapter 7- Troubled Teens

Start from the beginning

"Why would I do that? I like the kid, I wouldn't hurt him." She pursed her lips as if she meant something else than what she said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked and stood up from the couch and tossed his trash into the can across the room.

"Isn't that what you and your dad are good at? Lies and hurting people." Her dark eyes challenged his.

Dean scoffed. "You obviously don't know me at all."

He grabbed a can of beer from the fridge and took a deep swig before pouring the rest into a cup. He didn't want Sam to see him drinking and tell their dad. That was the last thing he needed.

He watched her shake her head.

"Whatever. It's five by five now."

She walked over to the fridge and got herself a beer the same way Dean had got his.

"It's not by the way you said it. Is this about us having to move 7 years ago? Because I told you..."

She cut him off and sat herself on the little kitchen table. "That was your dad's fault. You guys became the family I never had and then you abandoned me too."

She looked down at the floor and Dean saw her mask slide away and reveal the Faith he remembered so well.

"Faith, I..." He started and stopped. He didn't know what to say.

"It's fine. I'm used to it really."

She drank long and hard from her cup before looking at him again. Her face hardening she spoke quietly, "She decided alcohol was more important than me."

"What?" He had no idea what she was talking about.

"You asked about my mom earlier. She left me alone when I was 12. Alcohol was more important. The school finally found out and had me put into a group home."

Dean sighed. "I'm sorry, Faith."

"I don't want your pity. I just thought you'd understand."

Sam came out of the bathroom and announced he was going to bed.

"What do you want to do tomorrow, kid? You still like dinosaurs and sports?" Faith grinned at Sam.

Sam laughed. "Sure, but I'm not a little kid anymore."

"Oh, I can tell, Sammy. How about the arcade?"

"There's an arcade?" At Faith's nod, Sam continued.

"That's so cool. Dean, can we, please?"

"Sure, Sammy. Sounds good." Dean smiled at his brother and it made him happy to see his brothers face light up.

Sam climbed into his bed on the far side of the room and snuggled himself in.

Dean turned the lights off and headed for the front door.

"You got your knife, Sammy?"

"Yes, I'm fine, Dean."

"Okay, goodnight."


Faith followed Dean outside where he left the door cracked and sat on the stone steps a few feet away.

"Isnt he almost 14?" Faith asked sitting beside him.

Dean nodded and drank from his cup.

"So, why does he still need a nightlight and a knife under his pillow?"

Dean glanced at her, knowing of all people in the world, she might understand about those monsters that go bump in the night. But, he didn't want to look crazy if he was wrong about her.

"You never know in these shitty motels." Is all he says.

He saw her eyes narrow in the semi dark.

"That's the lying I was talking about. You've always been bad at it." She turned away from him.

Silence fell between them and they both got lost in their own thoughts and memories.

After a while, Dean went back inside and returned with the rest of the beers. Handing one to her, he took his spot on the step again.

"How's Alex?" He smirked at her.

She rose her eyebrows at him and her quiet laughter bubbled out.

"That's something I haven't thought about in a long time."

"So he's gone too?"

"Yeah. For a while now."

"Good." Dean fell silent again.

Faith stood up and handed Dean her now empty cup.

"I should get back to the group home before they lock me out."

Their fingers brushed as she pulled away. Dean reached out and grabbed her hand before she walked away.

"You're coming back tomorrow, right? To take Sammy to the arcade."

She squeezed his hand in her own. "Yeah, I won't let the kid down."

Faith released his hand and walked away in the darkness. Dean watched her go in the flickering streetlight and a half smile came to his face. He didn't know what had changed in her over the last few hours, but he knew she wasn't as tough as she tried to seem.

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