Chapter 6- A Familiar Face in a Familiar Place

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Dean sighed and slipped his worn boots. He leaned back in the stiff chair by the door and looked around the room. The old motel room smelled like bad takeout and disinfectant. He wrinkled his nose. He figured he should be used to the shabby furniture and faded wallpaper by now, but do you really get used to something that changes every other month but stayed the same? The colors and styles may be different but everywhere they went it was all the same. Sammy deserved better. He was such a smart kid. What he wouldn't give for his little brother to have a normal, apple pie life. But, with Dad being gone more and more these days, he knew that wouldn't ever happen.

John hadn't even asked for Dean's help on jobs lately which was even more aggravating. Dean knew that his Dad was only trying to give them the best he could. But even more often, it was Dean doing the parenting. He knew it was probably for Sammy's benefit, because he knew that John was a great protector, but a shitty father. Someone had to do it.

"How's the homework coming?" Dean looked over at his brother sitting at the table behind a stack a textbooks. A notebook was open in front of Sam as he scribbled neatly into it.

"Fine." Sam replied without looking up.

Dean knew he wouldn't get much more out of him while he was in study mode. He pushed himself up out of the chair and grabbed his brown jacket off the back of it.

"I'm gonna head across the street. Grab some food. I'll be right back."

"K. Can you see if they have Root Beer?" Sam's eyes never leaving the page he was working on.

"No problem, Sammy." He opened and closed the door behind him, making sure it was locked. You could never be too sure with the cheap places they stayed at.

Shoving his hands into his pockets, he headed across the street towards the dingy grease trap. When picking motels, John always made sure to pick one that was near a diner or fast food place. Sometimes they got lucky and there would be a playground nearby for Sammy. The one thing he couldn't understand was why this time they had come back to a town they had been to before. That wasn't normal for his dad. He didn't like going to the same place twice unless he had other hunter friends for them to stay with. There wasn't anyone in Boston. And they were back at the Ratscaller Motel. Same as they stayed in before. Someone was bound to recognize his dad. This seemed really out of character. Dean thought it was kind of nice to recognize his surroundings. Things hadn't changed much since he had been here in elementary school. The same scummy motel, same scummy diner across the street. They had even passed the park that him and Sammy played at when they were younger. It was a little more beat up now, but still there.

Thinking about the park, made him think about Faith again. The sad, little Faith with the imaginary friend and a daddy that beat up on her. He wondered what had happened to make her look so tough and angry earlier. He had tried to keep an eye out for her for the week they had been here but Dean didn't see her much. He was pretty sure she had skipped a couple days. And the few times he did see her, she made it a point to avoid him or maybe she really did just not remember him. Not that he cared, because he didn't. The less people to talk to him or notice him, the better. He wasn't making the same mistake again.

A couple schools back, he had promised Sammy he would actually try to make friends. He actually did his homework there and made it on the wrestling team. Even almost had a girlfriend. An actual girlfriend. Alicia Ryan. She was definately a looker as his dad would call her. Bright blue eyes and dirty blonde hair that hung to her waist. She had been a cheerleader and actually liked him. He always looked forward to the way her dimples popped every time she found him in the hallways and after class. They used to sneak off behind the bleachers and makeout after practice. But all that ended when his dad came back after six months and said it was time to leave again. He didn't get to say goodbye and that hurt more than anything. He told Sammy he wasn't doing that again. Ever.

But, he couldn't help being a little bit curious about Faith. Maybe it was just because she was familiar to him. A look into his past that wasn't all bad or complete heartbreak. Who knows.

Dean looked both ways before crossing the street and noticed a liquor store next door to the diner. He pulled out his wallet and checked for his fake id. Tucked behind an old library card he found it and slid it into place behind the clear plastic sleeve. He replaced his wallet in his pocket and thought to himself that he might have to indulge a little bit. Dad wouldn't be home to check in for a couple more days. At the most he might call the hotel room phone, but he was neck deep in a wendigo case and Dean knew what that meant.

He pushed open the door to the diner and instantly locked eyes with a laughing Faith. She stared for a few seconds before looking away towards the three people at her booth. He headed towards the counter and placed his order. Leaning against the counter he glanced back at her. She was wearing tight black jeans and her scuffed combat boots, the laces untied and dangled on the floor. Her white tshirt was a little too small and hugged her curves. She was leaning forward in her seat and seemed very interested in what the boy across from her was saying. She ran a hand through her dark hair and Dean watched it fall back across her shoulder exposing a tribal tattoo on her forearm. Sexy, he thought, before turning back to the counter.

The cashier came forward with his food and Sammy's Root Beer. He handed the cashier a ten dollar bill.

"Keep it." He said before turning back to the door. He left the diner and headed next door to the liquor store. Once inside, He placed the six pack of beer on the counter and showed the attendant his fake id. The older man with glasses barely even glanced at it before taking Dean's money.

Back outside in the bright sunlight, he squinted his eyes and hoped he could hide the beer from Sammy.

"Whatcha got there?" A familiar feminine voice asked from his left.

Dean looked over and saw Faith leaned up against a pop machine, a sexy grin on her face.

"Oh, hey Faith." Dean acted as if her presence wasn't anything important and headed back towards the hotel.

He knew she followed him but she didn't say a word until they were across the street.

"I didn't realize Sammy was old enough to drink." She responded cockily.

After a moment, Dean realized she had mentioned Sam. He stopped dead in his tracks and looked at her.

"You do remember." He replied, almost shocked.

Her head tilted to the right and she blinked. "Maybe."

Dean shook his head and started walking again. "What happened to you?"

"What happened to you?" She walked after him.

He sighed. "I asked you first."

"So. Maybe we should have a little fun and get to know each other again." She replied coyly.

Dean raised his eyebrow. "What's in it for me?"

She grinned. "Who knows. Share those with me and we'll see where it goes."

Dean couldn't help but grin. "You only want the beer. You don't care about what happened to me. Seems like you don't care what happens to yourself, either."

He watched her shrug and shook his head.

"I hope you don't do that with all the guys. You'd get yourself in a lot of trouble, Faith."

"Who cares? I can take care of myself."

Dean stopped outside his room door and looked at her in shock. "I'm sure you can, but that's no way for a girl to live. What does your mom think about you being out here alone, Faith?"

A brief look of hurt crossed her pretty features and he saw little scared Faith again. She quickly shook it off and her mask of coy toughness slipped back on.

"Like I said, I'm all alone now. So, who cares? You gonna share or not?"

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