Chapter eighteen - The Final Battle part 1

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When I looked back at Zeque, I see it now. He has always being a douchebag when it was not important . The plan was for us to get ready for battle, and go back in the dark realm to save my beloved.

Rose's POV
I opened my eyes and I looked around the atmosphere was dark and the miasma in the air was also stifling . When I tried to move my hands , I heard a woman's voice say " don't bother try to break free , those are the chains of the abyss they are from the depths of darkness". I looked around and I saw she was masked then I saw a few dull lights.

" Where can we find the tree of life?" I heard a voice asked.

I looked around me and I saw a phamtom ,looking thing. Then two more appeared and they said " we are the dark witches , the most powerful witches of all realms ,now where can we find the tree of life?".

I thought about then I remembered when air said that no one must know about the tree of life , because if it's power goes in the wrong hands the world's will crumble with darkness. I refused them ,then I saw a man walked in he looked rather soulless and he whispered something in the first witch ear, and she was glowing. Then she said " Vlansrick! Come hear" when he appeared she said " get rid the Intruders!".

She looked at me and asked " you want to play dirty? Then huh" I looked at her and she asked the question for the tree again and I refused. She showed me a picture of the group then she said " I sent Vlansrick to take care of them ,and now they will be crushed".

I screamed " no! No!" While crying I just wanted to wipe that big smug on her face. " Then tell us where is the tree!" , She shouted , I said " no ". But then she replied and said " wrong answer then I will kill your friends right in front of you".

Saying that Vlansrick appeared and I saw them , Irma and Iris were bleeding tremendously, and Helia was almost unconscious,. Zeque was there too and he was badly hurt , but his was alittle more serious than Zen's wounds. I looked at them and I felt heavy tears running down my cheeks.

Then I said " ok I will tell you where it is", I heard Zen gasping for air and although it was a little dark I knew he was holding his side that had been wounded. " Don't do it Rose!" He said I glanced at him then I said " it's up for a little negotiation". All three witches looked at me.

" What kind of negotiation? " She asked

" Well if you tell me where my parents are I will" I said

She started to laugh , and said " do you really want to know where your parents are?" I nodded then they pointed and said " there they are " I got up and the chains loosened alittle and I walked over to them.

" Behold King Ihznea and Queen Crystolynn" they said in a sarcastic voice that sounded disgusting. I looked over at them it was like they were in a coma or something , they were still my mother's features looked like me and Daphne had features of my father .

They looked beautiful as I was about to touch them my hand was held back by the chains . " Now you wouldn't want to wake them up do you" they said and I started crying with both sadness and joy.

As I turned around , I saw the first witch fall to the ground behind her was Zen with a dagger and he shouted " Rose ,do what you need to !" I rushed over to my parents and I touched their hands but they didn't wake up . I heard the two witches laughed and said " you fools ,so young and nieve do you really think what our sister has told you would actually work".

I looked at them then , I changed in my battle clothing again but this time I looked like a Greek god Aphrodite , the goddess of love or even Anthena goddess of wisdom.
I fought her and with the help of my friends I ruled against the weakest witch .

Then other vampires and werewolves from before were in it as well even Vlansrick. My friends managed the vampires and werewolves while Zen ,Zeque and I fought the supreme witches . When I saw Zeque fall to the floor , I fought even harder then from behind me Zen came and took the hit from the witch and he was unconscious.

I then fell, to the floor because of a pain in my chest and the last and strongest witch , hit !e with a dark spell. " Don't give up sister you are a strong princess , just find it within you".

I stood up and I closed my eyes I was being controlled by Daphne to kill the witch and as I stuck the dagger in he chest she fell. An enormous light came over the place and before I knew it I was in a castle .

Then I saw Zen and my friends in pain. I rushed over to them and I healed most of their critical injuries. " Well done our princess and thank you" when I turned around I saw my parents .

I rushed to hug them , then they parted ways and I saw Daphne I began to cry and I hugged her she even looked more beautiful in person and in our dreams . " I love you so much , if you ever knew how long I waited for this day to come".

They looked at me and said " we have waited for this day as well thank you for breaking the curse from this realm and kingdom" . I was so happy , then I suddenly felt dizziness came over me and immediately I fell feeling very weak. As I felt in my sister's hands and I looked up , I saw blackness flood my vision then I knocked out.

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