Chapter seven- The Powers I possess

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Zen's POV:
Well she said she wanted to sleep. I wonder if things will get awkward around us tomorrow . I hope she feels the same way about me I just can't stop thinking about her and if she was ok. As I layed her on the bed and covered her up I gave her a kiss on the lips. I called Helia on the phone then he said he will be there in a minute .

He came and opened the door I showed Helia the chairs nearest to the kitchen I asked him " are you a love expert?" He nodded and said " yes I am what do you want to know about Rose " I blushed alittle and asked " how did you know" then he said " I just know "." I need your help to find out if she likes me" I said he replied with a grin " have you kissed her" I nodded and said " yes I have about three times" then he asked "did you fed on her and leave your fangs mark"I nodded in embarrassment and mumbled" twice" he looked at me astonished and said " you did, do you know what feeding on another is like it is called a first fed and for the humans first kiss" .

I said defending myself" she kissed me too in my sleep on my forehead" then he replied " she has feelings for you but you just want her to tell you that" I nodded and said " I told her I loved her and she will become my queen". His eyes widen and said " ok when she wakes up try and make a move on her and tell her why you fed on her and what it means".

I told him good bye and he went back to his dorm. As I went in my room and I layed on my bed I could not bring myself to sleep without looking at her again. So as I went in her room I gazed upon her once more and I held her hand then I went in my room and I fell asleep.

Rose POV:
I woke up in the early part of the morning and I realized it was 1hour earlier than the regular time I got up to go to school. I walked outside and I saw Zen sitting on the couch just looking through the window and into space then I said " earth to Zen " he snapped and stared at me for almost 30 seconds straight.

He said to me while getting up" Rose do you why I fed on you? " I shook my head " do you know what it meant" I shook my head again not having a clue in mind . He came in front of me and hugged me and said " I fed on you because I love you and and it means that the person is your mate" I said " so vamps doesn't feed on there own kind unless you love that person".

He stopped hugging me and I turned my face around trying to hide my blush it was literally burning me alive then he held my face by the chin and turned my face around and said " I love you Rose " . Then he said " you are burning up , almost like you have a fever coming on" I said " no I just want a warm shower and I will be alright" .

He nodded and I went in the bathroom as I took a shower I felt the fangs mark on my skin I was so lost in thought and that's when reality hits I too had fallen in love with my dorm mate . I forgot my clothes in my room.

When I walked out the door looking for Zen . Then he just appeared in the couch so fast he said " looking for me" as I blinked he was right in front of me. Then he held my hair back and off my shoulder then he bit me and drank some of my blood I held the towel wrapped around me very tight . Making sure it doesn't come off and letting him see my modesty.

After he was finished he held up my head to meet his eyes and then he kissed me after a while I realized I was giving in with this. I was literally returning the kisses . As he backed off me he said" go get dressed " I ran in my room and got dressed and I came out back then he looked at me and said " your hair is still wet do you want me to comb it for you" I nodded while sitting down, he pinned my hair in a bun then he said" your hair looks more elegant this way".

I got up and looked at my schedule this morning I had witchcraft with Ms.Petrinova . I got up and looked in the mirror it was beautiful. Then he said" you have witchcraft with Ms.petrinova". I looked at him smiling it was like he read my mind I went through the door and he followed behind me I went to my class room and he went to his.

I walked in and I saw Irma and Iris I sat beside them Ms.petrinova said" good morning ,you will be choosing your magic items today . As she said that I saw a table appeared out of nowhere with some items she said "the magic items will choose you" as soon as she said that the items got up and flew to my class mates.

Iris and Irma got wands and I was the only one in the class with no magic item. She came to me and said" your magic item is within you " then she announced"to test out your new magic items you will be casting a floating spell it will be graded and it must pass a certain altitude".

She teleported us outside and each one of us had a book in front of us. She called us up one by one she called my name after she did over 20 . I stepped forward and she said " say the words floatas" I said it aloud and I concentrated on letting the book float and it went high up in the air then all the books of the others went pass the altitude.

I could not stop myself it was like the power manifested on its own . Ms.Petrinova told me to stop and she tried to use her magic to stop me then this heavy wind came and the leaves were all around me . She then told a student to call Zen .

I myself was floating at that time it was so cool but I didn't want to hurt anyone. I saw Zen coming and he held out his hand to mine and that's when the breeze suddenly disappeared as I touch his hand I fell in his arms and everything was back to normal I then passed out .

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