thirty two - terrible 2's

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two years later

the baby monitor goes off, and one of the twins crying blares through. i'm about to rip off my blankets, but ethan stops me and sighs. "i'll get him."

noah and adam were two now, which means ethan and i were in for a special treat. terrible two's was just beginning.

a few minutes later, the crying stops and ethan tiredly comes back in and crashes onto the bed. "who was it?"

"noah." ethan yawns, "he dropped his bear."

"what time is it?" i ask.

"four am." he replies, cuddling up against me. he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer into him.

ethan and i managed to fall back asleep, but of course not for long. it was eight in the morning now, and both toddlers were crying. ethan was in the shower, so it was my duty to take care of them.

"morning buggies." i smile, walking into their shared bedroom. i scoop noah out of his crib first, and then adam. they were already getting so heavy, it was ridiculous to hold both of them at the same time for longer than five minutes.

the twins looked identical to grayson and ethan when ethan and grayson were toddlers. i sometimes even doubt that i'm even related to them sometimes because i don't see myself in them at all, except for noah, he has my lips and nose, and adam has my natural brown hair colour. and well, i pushed them out of my vagina.

i set the twins down, and begin preparing their breakfast. finally, they could start eating solid foods, so i could make ethan and the boys pancakes.

ethan and i still want to try for a girl, but i want to wait until the boys are three, so just another year.

"there are my little muscle men!"

i chuckle when i see ethan smooching their cheeks, and they squirm and giggle. "dada stop!" adam smiles.

"say, dada no more!" i encourage them, wanting to expand their vocabulary.

"no mo!" noah attempts, making ethan and i laugh.

ethan walks around the island and smacks my butt. "it's date night tonight. my parents said they'd watch them."

"really?" i smile.

he nods, kissing my cheek. "dress nice, precious."

later on that night after i had bathed noah and adam, we stopped off at lisa and sean's and thanked them for watching the boys. it took us a good ten minutes to get out of there because adam was having separation anxiety.

we barley ever leave our boys with anyone, we're always there with them so when we did on occasion, adam would panic. noah was okay with it. it still made my heart break to let go of adam while he would cry and reach for me, while screaming and choking "mama please" it was something i would tear up about, but it's normal.

ethan said we were going out for dinner, and he also told me to dress nice. so i put on what i had, and let him lead the way.

"where are we going? these streets look so familiar." i chuckle.

"you'll see." he smirks.

a few more minutes of walking, and i immediately gasped. "no way!"

"you up for pizza?" he asks, just like he did in senior year when we came to desano's pizza bakery the first time.

the car ride was silent, he had rolled down my window since the breeze was nice and it made my hair fly all over the place. the sky was pink and the sun was almost setting.

"so," ethan says audibly, "what are your hobbies?"

i think for a few seconds, "i love to paint, and i love listening to music. what are your hobbies?"

"the typical video games. i also like long-boarding." he says, turning into the parking lot of desano's pizza bakery.

"you up for pizza?" he asks, "because if not we can go somewhere else."

i smile, "no, it's okay. i like pizza."

we walk in beside each other, taking our own seat by the huge window. i've never been here before but it was nice being here with ethan.

"i like pineapple, so we'll get half pineapple and whatever you like." he tells me. i'm surprised that he likes pineapple pizza because that's my absolute favourite.

"no, i like pineapple too!" i say excitedly. "it's my favourite."

ethan's eyes soften and his genuine smile appears on lips as he tries to it with his hoodie sleeve.

walking inside, ethan lead us to the same booth and ordered one medium pineapple pizza.

"look at us now. this time seven years ago we were here talking about sneaking around and fucking." ethan laughs.

"it's crazy how we had no idea back then." i grin, taking a bite out of the warm pizza.

"we were just horny, naive rebellious teenagers in love." he smirks.

"you were horny." i chuckle.

"obviously you were too." he winks.

"thanks for taking me here, ethan. it's nice to bring back the memories every once in a while." i smile softly.

he places his hand on mind and smiles. "i meant my vows, baby. i'll do anything to make you smile."

"you know what i was thinking about last night." i smirk.

ethan raises an eyebrow.

"how we're gonna explain to our kids how we met." i laugh.

"well you know," ethan says sarcastically. "basically your mom sent me a nude, and i blackmailed her to cheat on her boyfriend at the time with me, and then we fell in love."

"what a perfect love story." i joke, laughing along sarcastically.

ethan smiles, "it doesn't have to be a perfect love story, it just has to be our love story."

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