twenty seven - some day

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"what the fuck are we gonna do?" ethan asks, running a hand through his hair.

my eyes couldn't avoid the positive pregnancy tests. i felt myself getting stressed out, but ethan was making it worse.

"what do you mean, what are we gonna do?" i ask.

"you're pregnant allie, this is some serious shit." he glares at me.

"okay and? is it all my fault. no? was it intentional, no?" i respond.

"i know. but this is permanent now. like there's a baby inside you, like that baby is our responsibility now. you. got. pregnant." he says, saying each word slowly.

"i know how it works." i retort. "but why are you making it sound so negative?"

"i'm not trying to, baby." he says, rubbing his tired eyes aggressively. "i'm just stressed out."

ethan sits on the edge of the bed, and i join him. wrapping my arm around his shoulder so he leans into me. i run my fingers through his hair and kiss his head.

"i'm stressed out too. but i'm financially stable, so don't worry about the money." i tell him.

"oh allie," ethan chuckles, "i'm not worried about the money. that's the last thing i'm worried about."

"then what are you most worried about?" i ask.

"myself. as a parent. what if the baby doesn't like me?" he asks.

"that's impossible." i grin, "don't overthink that."

"are you really pregnant, allie?" ethan asks, tears forming in his eyes.

i chuckle, "that's what the pregnancy tests are saying. i really am, ethan. why are you crying?" i ask, suddenly starting to feel myself choke up.

"i just can't believe i'm going to be a dad, and i get to experience it at all with you. you, are carrying my baby." ethan says smiling, giving my hand a tight squeeze.

"i love you ethan." i smile softly.

"i love you too." he says shakily, pressing his lips against mine.

"should we not tell your family yet? it's your cousins wedding so soon, i don't want the attention to shift to us. let him have this time." i say, resting my head against his shoulder.

"good idea. but the second we get home, we're going to the hospital." he says with a wide smile.

the rest of the night seemed to go smoothly. we went to sleep, and the next morning, i actually didn't feel any morning sickness, and was able to keep down two pieces of toast and some bacon.

i helped josie and lisa, along with ethan's grandma set up the wedding decor, and i also managed to buy some books on pregnancy while i was out and about so i could read on the plane back home.

ethan was constantly checking up on me every minute, almost to the point where i was beginning to feel like i was a baby. during the past few family dinners, i've avoided drinking alcohol, with the excuse that i wasn't feeling well, or just wanted water because i was feeling dehydrated, and in the mornings when josie would make me a coffee, i would have to make an excuse as to i'm not really a coffee person, even though i really, really am.

but i'm just reading and listening to the books.

the wedding was tomorrow night, and erikah had asked me to do her makeup. i was honoured, but nervous as hell. that was a lot of pressure, especially because it was her wedding day, and i barley know her.

josie was in charge of her hair, so at least i'm not doing that part. her wedding dress was beyond gorgeous, and she looked so beautiful in it. you could tell just how much she really does love alex, and how excited she is to marry him, and that melted my heart.

it was around five in the evening, and ethan and i went out for dinner. his grandma was so tired that she fell asleep earlier in the afternoon and didn't prepare any food, and his grandpa was out with lisa and sean, while josie and grayson were just watching movies inside with ellie.

"how come cameron couldn't make it?" i ask.

"her work schedule." ethan answers with a shrug. "but then grayson also told me that her and erikah never got along in high school, so she didn't come because she hates erikah."

i nod, wondering which was one really true.

we ordered our food, and i just had to go all out. ethan was acting a little strange, he told me to dress up for this dinner, and he dressed himself up too. he kept watching me look at the menu with a wide smile on his face.

"you know, some day i'm going to make you my wife." he says with a smile.

i feel my cheeks heat up, and turn a light shade of pink. "you mean that?"

"of course. you're my whole world. i need to put a label on you, precious." he winks.

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