eleven - a second chance

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"mmm, ethan stop." i hiss, shoving him away.

"no, you know you don't want me to." he says, huskily, his lips attaching onto mine. he was right. everything just felt so right when ethan and i were together.

"ethan you have a girlfriend." i remind him.

"and you have a fiancé." he mumbles against my skin.


my back hits his bedroom door and we stumble inside with our lips still connected. i fall onto the bed, and he crawls on top of me. "i need you, allie."

"what do you think we're getting at?" i roll my eyes.

"no." he says, sternly. "not sex. i need you in general, in every way possible. i need you in my life again, and i don't care what it takes."

"i told you i wanted to take things slow." i mumble.

"oh yeah." he rolls his eyes. "what the fuck do you consider taking things slow because we're about to have sex."

"i can't do this with you ethan." i shake my head. visions of ethan and nikki making out in the school halls, put me on edge.

"then don't. we don't have to." he says. "lay with me. just be near me, that's all i want, allie."

"ethan." i sigh in frustration. "this isn't fair, to amelia."

"amelia and i aren't serious." he retorts. "say her name again and i swear i'll snap."

"i should get going home, ethan." i sigh.

"no." he groans. "allie, i'm trying to make this work."

"what if i don't want it to work, ethan?" i ask, now angry. "what if i'm still too hung up on high school. i can't look past your mistakes just yet, ethan. i need space, to think. i was an engaged women before you came along."

"yeah, to an abusive dickhead who didn't know your worth. he doesn't know how precious you are, and you know that. you should be fucking thanking me." ethan says lividly.

"thanking you? for what?" i ask, bitterly. "coming back into my life? oh yeah. thank you so much ethan. i've been waiting."

"you're such a bitch." he snorts.

"call me whatever you want, i know i'm right." i sigh.

"you really don't love me at all anymore, is that it?" ethan asks, crossing his arms over his chest.

"i didn't say that." i scoff.

"so then why the fuck can't we be together? i was stupid in high school and i know that. you don't think i know that is why i ended up like this? i'm an emotional fucking mess, allie. i'm never happy, i barley eat. i lost everything when i lost you. i just need you to help me put my life together. but you're a huge part of it, and i know i'm one of yours too." ethan exclaims.

"i just need a little time ethan." i gulp. "i have to tell kyle i'm calling off the engagement, and i need to sell my house."

"sell your house and come here." he says more demandingly. "everyone deserves a second chance. why can't i have one?"

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