thirty - baby names

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4 months later

"fine then. i name one baby and you name the other." i chuckle, rubbing my stomach which was now 7 months pregnant and humongous.

"okay, i like nolan."

"nolan dolan?" i ask, wiggling my eyebrow.

"yeah, never mind." ethan laughs.

i laugh along with him. "i like the name cyrus."

"i like the name noah." ethan shrugs.

"i'm not naming our sons after miley cryrus' sister." i glare at him.

"well i don't know!" ethan groans, raising his hands up in surrender.

"picking out baby names is hard, their permanent. what if they don't like it?" he asks.

i chuckle, "they won't dislike it. that's why we need to make a decision, and soon. their due in three months, and our wedding is just a week before."

"i can't wait to see you looking all sexy in your wedding dress with that cute ass baby bump." ethan smirks, "mmm, i love you!"

he rolls over in the bed, pressing his face in the crook of my neck to give me kisses, making me laugh.

"want to go for a walk? i could use some fresh air." i suggest.

ethan nods, "let's go, baby."

we walked around our block, before we got caught up in conversation and it lead us to the boardwalk. the breeze was nice as it made my hair blow back, and it wasn't too cold, this reminded me of that one day when ethan and i were walking along the boardwalk when i had that cake pop, and had a conversation about our kids in the future.

we were such naive teenagers in love. it made me reminisce the memory.

ethan and i went to starbucks since that's the closest store our walk lead us to. i got a simple iced coffee with a coke pop and he bought a bottled frappe.

"can you paint me a picture of the sunset?" he asks me. we were heading downtown to the boardwalk, facing the ocean which was calm at this time of evening.

"i can try," i tell him, "you really think i'm that good?"

"yeah, i think you're brilliant." he compliments me, making my cheeks heat up.

"why the sunset?" i ask, softly.

he shrugs, "it's beautiful and simple, but it's so bold and powerful at the same time."

"i like how you worded that, ethan." i tell him, smiling.

we keep on walking and we pass some children running after each other, giggling as their parents call their name.

"if i have a son, i'm gonna take him down here and teach him how to skate." ethan tells me.

"what if you have a daughter?" i ask.

"i'll teach her how to ride a bike." he answers.

i like how ethan can envision his future, i like how he wants kids in the future and how he's already planning on what to do with them. i think it's adorable.

"what about you?" he asks, "do you want kids when you're older?"

"of course." i tell him.

as we walk along the boardwalk together, i remember that i haven't even unwrapped my cake pop yet. as i pull it out of my purse, ethan's eyes immediately glue to it.

"i thought you ate that already." he says, watching me carefully tear it open.

"me too," i tell him. about to take a bite.

he laughs and grabs my wrist that's holding it, "nu uh, i want a bite out of it first."

"excuse me!" i giggle, moving it away from his lips. "i bought it for myself."

"don't be such a fat ass." ethan groans, "let me have a bite."

"no, i haven't eaten today." i tell him, grinning.

"me either" he replies, "and your pussy doesn't count."

i gasp and hit his chest, "don't be gross"

"please, allie" he begs, "don't make me tickle you for it."

"i'm not ticklish, loser" i say proudly, holding up my cake pop between our faces.

ethan and i meet eyes and then glance back down at the pink cake pop that i was dying to eat. he licks his lips and i know he's either going to bite it right off or rip it out of my hands, so i'm prepared for either action he chooses.

the minute i see his head jerk forward towards the cake pop, i quickly pull my arm down and his lips are only a centimetre away from mine, i feel my heart start racing as his warm breath hits my lips.

"what are you thinking about, precious?" ethan asks, taking me out of my thoughts.

i look up at him and admire him. "you."

he smiles, before leaning in to press his lips against mine. "i love you."

"i love you too."


hey guys!!

please do me a favour and comment some boy/boy twin names down below!! :)

if i pick the names you comment, i'll be sure to give you a shoutout :)

thank you!!

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