Chapter One: A Chance Encounter

Start from the beginning

"I... well..." he fumbled for words, not normally having to fend off questions from beautiful women emerging from woods.

"You don't want him, I can tell you that. He has a bit of the devil in him." She was closer now and looked him up and down. "Although I dare say you could handle any sort of trouble he threw at you. You look a competent sort." She brushed a stray hair from her face and narrowed her eyes at him as if daring him to argue. "A military man?"

He shifted his weight, not quite at ease with this startling woman. "You aren't from around here. I know everyone."

She crossed her arms, and the stiff fabric of her short jacket could not disguise the swell of her breasts underneath. "Well, you don't know me." She extended her gloved hand. "I'm Lady Balfrey."

He took it briefly. "Lieutenant Marlowe Hughes." He straightened his shoulders. "I just returned home from Spain."

"I was right, of course." Her lashes fluttered briefly. It was an entrancing sight. He felt his eyes dance across her face. The flushed cheeks, carnation pink, the dazzling eyes, and a lush mouth, the color of holly berries.

"Might I accompany you home, Lady Balfrey?" He knew her name now, of course. She would be the wife of the neighboring lord. They would have been married while he was away, hence how she had escaped his acquaintance until now. He ransacked his mind for memories of Lord Balfrey, but though they were acquainted, they had never been close. Nicholas Balfrey had been a different sort of boy than Marlowe. He was quiet and bookish while Marlowe preferred to explore and ride. He wondered what such a man would feel about having his wife appear from the bushes like a wanton dryad, flushed and rumpled as if she had been rolling around with a satyr just there behind the trees... But no, he must quell that line of thinking.

She tilted her head at him, and there was an odd look in her eye, as if she could see the licentious thoughts that had flashed through his mind. The high color was beginning to fade from her cheeks and she looked thoughtful now, less agitated. "Yes, you may, Lieutenant." She handed him the reins. "But you mind this horrid beast. I've had enough of him today." Her voice had dropped-- the pitch low and sultry.

He guided the horse, which seemed docile enough now as they began the path towards her estate. "What exactly happened with this poor fellow, Lady Balfrey?"

"Call me Arabella, please." She sighed. "I miss the sound of my name. I think I can trust you with it, can't I?" She blinked twice, dark lashes fluttering.

He was taken aback and almost stopped in his tracks. Her dark eyes searched his face. There was something so off-putting about her. She bit the corner of her lip. Distracting. "Of course. And you must call me Marlowe. At least..."

She snorted. "At least when we are alone. Don't worry, Lieutenant, I haven't forgotten all propriety." She smoothed a hand over her skirt, which was stained with green patches and then waved an arm towards the horse. "I wanted an adventure, so I took this old devil out and he doesn't like me, so he threw me at the first opportunity."

She tilted her head towards Marlowe. "It's so lonesome to be cooped up at the house every day. Riding helps. My husband is gone to London, you see. He often is. He doesn't think it necessary for me to accompany him on business." Her look darkened, but she directed it towards the hedgerow. "And my acquaintance is very limited here."

"Yes, Nicholas always did keep to himself."

"You know him?" Her generous mouth pulled down into a frown.

"Not well. But our families are acquainted."

"My family is in Scotland," she said. He had thought he had detected a bit of an accent, but he said nothing. "Many of my friends as well." She shrugged. "But we haven't been here long. Only two weeks."

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