"No. Why don't you eat with us anymore. You barely don't even talk to us." Rosályn said softly walking slowly up to him.

"Listen my problems are mine! So just drop it." Lance said without facing her.


"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE ROSÁLYN!" Lance yelled. Rosályn jumped back in shock.

Rosályn nodded her head and left the training room. She made her way to the dining room and sat down in her chair next to Lotor.

"What happened to lance coming?" Pidge asked while looking around to see if lance was coming.

"He's not coming." Rosályn mumbled

"What did you say?" Lotor asked looking at her worried.

"He's not coming." Rosályn said a little louder.

"What why?!" Hunk said putting his spoon down.

"He said he'll eat later. He just went back to training. And- and " she stuttered at the end.

"And what?" Lotor said while holding her hand.

"He just snapped. Out of nowhere. Like he just screamed at my to leave him alone. What happened while I was in the pod?" She asked.

Everyone looked around, they all were deciding who was gonna tell her. Everyone's eyes landed on Shiro as the leader. He took a deep breath and smiled at her.

"Well....lance actually killed Leo." Shiro explained

Rosályn looked at him, she had to process what was going on.

"Why would he snap at that? Shouldn't he be happy that he's gone?!" She asked

"That's what we're trying to figure out." Keith said

"Keith why don't you go with him. I mean he loves you and is close to you. So he should answer to you." Allura said and everyone nodded.

Keith got up and went to the training room. He saw lance shooting down bots. As soon as lance was about to take down the bot Keith ended the training sequence.

"What's wrong with you?! I almost finished that level!" Lance yelled and looked over to see Keith.

"Come eat now." Keith sternly said

"I told Rosályn the same thing imma tell you. I'll eat later." Lance said back

"Why. You've been training the whole day!" Keith said while walking towards him.

"I'm not hungry now. I'll eat later." Lance said again.

"What's wrong lance. You've been distancing yourself from everyone! You barely even eat or talk to the team!" Keith yelled

"Is it illegal to not talk to anyone! Maybe I just liked to be alone." Lance yelled

"What's going on with you...you've never been like this!" Keith said trying to grab lances hand but lance snatched it away from him.

"I broke a promise I made a long time ago. How can I ever make that up to her. I KILLED SOMEONE! I just snapped! What happens if I snap at you! I could hurt you Keith. I love you too much!" Lance yelled at Keith. He turned around his face no longer visible to Keith. Lance slipped to the floor and hugged his knees.

"You could never hurt me. I understand, we've never killed anyone. We only took down drowns that were basically robots. I get that! We can get through this together!" Keith said slowly sitting down next to lance and trying to grab lances hand again.

Keith turned lances face to see tears streaming down his face. Keith brought lance into his lab and kissed lances face has tears steamed down. He killed all over his face. It went from his forehead, to his closed eyes, to his temples, to his cheeks, then his nose, then his lips.

When Keith backed away he smiled at lance. He pecked his lips once again and smiled.

"I love you too lance." Keith smiled and brought lance back into his embrace once again.

"I love you so much." Keith said again.

Soon there was footsteps from the other side of the door. At first it was James, he walked to the two and hugged them, soon the rest came in and that turned into a group hug.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you Rosályn. I'm so sorry." Lance said through his hiccups.

"It's alright lance. I forgive you." She replied

"We will get your pack back Rosályn. We will get your brother and dad Pidge. We will find your mom Keith. I promise you guys!" Lance said and brought his head up to see everyone

They all smiled, the hug lasted for a few more minutes. Then everyone departed.

"I love you Keith." Lance said

"I love you too lance." Keith replied.
Word count: 1380

Okay so hi. I made an Instagram cuz I need something to do with my my life so go follow me. Love you guys.

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