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Hey there guys, since the original Royal isn't feeling too good, she's been sick since yesterday and she's been having trouble writing and doesn't have a lot of energy since she gets sick a lot. But she didn't wanna give up on you guys so she asked me to write it and I'm gonna try here. So enjoy! (This is exciting)
-Royal_Altea's Senpai.
3rd POV??

It's been a couple weeks since they heard anything from the Galra Empire. Everyone was getting a little antsy, Allura wouldn't step away from the control panel and the same with coran. Shiro and Keith spent most of their time training to make sure they're ready for anything.

Pidge and Hunk were in the lab trying to hack galra intel to see if they could find anything. But as always nothing!

James and Rosályn were trying to help out in any way they could.

Now I know what you might be thinking. Where's our baby blue?! Well he's currently in the blue hangar talking to his lion.

"Do you think this is going to go well blue?" Lance asked

"Why do you doubt, cub?"

"You don't know Leo....he's aggressive, he's dangerous." Lance explained

"My cub.I'm sure everything will be fine. Your team will help take down Leo."

"How are you so sure? With the Galra by his side....I feel like he's stronger." Lance shuddered at the thought.

"Everything will be fine. Your team loves you. They'll keep you safe. I promise, I'll keep you safe my cub."

"Thanks blue. Your the best." Lance smiled as he heard purring inside his head from blue.

He started to get up from his spot off of blues paw. He walked out of the room and once he turned the corner, he ran into someone and fell to the floor.

He looked up to see his beautiful boyfriend, The amazing Keith Kogane. Keith helped him up off the floor and smiled.

"Hey lance." Keith smiled.

Now, He does realize that Keith just got done training. You imagine, Keith is sweating and catching his breath a little but lance just stares.

Keith had a tang top on and shorts that he probably got from the space mall. His biceps are flexing and his hair is all over the place. His lips are parted a little and his lips look pink and plump.God he wishes he could kiss him right here and.....

"Hello earth to lance!"

He snapped out of his trance as Keith waved his hands in front of lances face.

"Of sorry. I was....thinking." Lance laughed nervously.

"Oh, well. What were you thinking about." Keith looked puzzled.


"O...k I guess" Keith laughed.

They began walking and as they were walking their hands touched every once and a while. Keith's face got red when their hands touched again. Lance had a smirk on his face and once their hands touched again, he grabbed Keith's pinkie with his. Slowly their hands were connecting.

Keith's face got more red as their hands were completely connected. Lance smiled as he saw that only he could make Keith like this. As they were walking, the coms went off and all you heard was the princesses voice over the coms.

"Everyone come to the control immediately! We have a call from the Galra!"

They ran to the coms room and saw that most of everyone was there. Lance looked over to Pidge and saw that she was smirking at the couple. He realized that they were still holding hands. But he didn't care, he loved that he had Keith's hand in his.

They continued to walk to where the rest of everyone was.

"So what's going on?" Lance asked

"Well there was a call from Hagar. She wants to make a deal. She'll trade Lotor for Leo and the rest of the Holt family. But we can't bring any weapons. Or lions either." Allura explained.

This deal was fairly easy most of them thought. Just don't bring our lions or bayards. But one person didn't like the idea of not being protected. Keith wanted to make sure the team was protected at all cost but if they wanna get Leo under security and pidges family back.

"When is this ordeal happening?" Keith asked

"It's happening in a few Vargas. So everyone get some rest and relax." Allura explained

Everyone disbanded and went their own ways. Except Lance and Keith, lance led Keith to his room. Once they got there they sat down on the bed.

"You wanna take a nap?" Lance asked blushing

"Sure why not beautiful." Keith smirked.

They laid down on the bed and Keith covered lance up in the blanket. Keith pulled lance closer to his chest as he started to play with lances brown hair. Lance laid there smile and closing his eyes. He took in a deep breath and slowly breathed out getting comfortable next to Keith.


He hummed in response and smooched his head close closer to Keith's chest.

"Do you love me?"

Lance's head shot up and looked at Keith's beautiful eyes.

"Of course I do! What makes you say such a thing?!" Lance frowned

"After everything we went through, me making you depressed and after you got captured....I couldn't deal with it. I'm so sorry! I love you, I loved you then I love you now, and I will love you forever." Keith had tears streaming down his face.

"Keith? Listen. I love you with all my heart. I loved you since I first saw you. Me being the way I was isn't your fault. It was Leo's. So please don't cry." Lance brought him closer to him and began to rub his side.

"I'm sorry." Keith whispered

"It's ok. I love you Keith."

"I love you too lance."

They slowly fall asleep holding each other. Feeling as if it was only them.

Word count: 1018

I'm sorry! I tried! Ik you guys usually have long chapters but I'm not really as good as Royal is. But them next chapter will be out as soon as she's better!!

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