Change of Plans*

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The grand set of wooden doors opened without a sound, only for the silence of the room to be replaced with a pair of footsteps echoing across the tiled floor. The space seemed to yawn out before the figure as their path was lit by large screens covering the walls that flickered in and out in a cacophony of moments trapped for all time. The figure paid seemingly little attention to these distractions and proceeded to make themselves comfortable upon a large beautifully upholstered sofa, placing the tablet in hand on top of a hand-carved coffee table.

"I assume you know by now."

The voice was quiet, somewhat respectful, but with a hint of annoyance that undercut its seeming feminine charm. The barely hidden question hung in the air for some time, yet the figure stayed silent...waiting.


The deep, gravelly voice came from the only other figure in the room, their stocky form silhouetted by the largest of the screens behind their chair. The single word was pronounced with authority and vindication, as if the entire answer to the question lay in such a response. The figure shifted their arm over to grab a large glass filled with a clear liquid, which after being raised up was accompanied by a stricken gulping sound and metallic click. 

"You don't seem surprised...though I shouldn't be either considering you."

The now empty glass returned to the desk.

"It will need to be rectified, but is not a priority at this time."

A small laugh echoed from the lounging figure and seemingly filled the large space.

"How uncharacteristically liaise-fair of you."

Silence fell over the room as the large figure leaned over to pour out another full glass. Once situated back in the seat a uninterested sigh emanated from the chair.

"One desperate rat attempting to escape from a drowning cage is not a concern. Our operation here is ahead of schedule and any attempt to deal with the issue will only be a delay."

The silence returned, only to be replaced by a quieter set of vocalizations after a few moments. The tone of which seemed to ask a thousand unsaid questions.

"Why come to me with this? The Initiative is still a month out, at which time the situation will be handled regardless."

An equally soft voice was the response from the figure on the sofa.

"I did not want to take your focus away from the project progress here and...

A dismissive hand waved in the direction of the screens encircling the pair.

...I need a side project to keep me entertained right now. Consider the situation under my private observation."

"How uncharacteristically proactive of you."

"I do try to surprise you once and awhile."

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