I Really Hate Pirates

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*Were those gunsh-!!*

I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my leg that ended my thoughts and I dropped down to massage it. I gritted my teeth as I addressed the monster in front of me.

"Okay, stop. Seriously. I can't go any farther right now..."

I sat down heavily against the hallway wall, stretching out my sore legs and groaning slightly. I closed my eyes to try and relax, but an irritated growl made me look at its source with a frown.

"Don't you growl at me. You have to accept that we humans don't have inexhaustible amounts of energy. We have checked out so many rooms! Just pick one!"

The black xenomorph stopped walking and turned back to move closer to me on her hind legs. My breathe grew a little labored as I saw her sharp teeth located in her powerful jaws.

*Where is the warrior that faced down four of my kind without hesitation, hmm? Where is that power?*

I nervously chuckled, the question bringing back not so good memories.

"Yah well...I was so hopped on adrenaline so I really didn't even think about my actions...but now I don't have to be scared for my life, so I'm taking it easy," I said with a small smile.

The female crouched down so her head was level with mine, leaning forward with her hands on my thighs as support. I could see her tail swishing excitedly behind her, and felt her talons dig into my pants. Her expressionless face didn't give any hints towards her thoughts, and one of the hands began to mindlessly tap it's fingers on my leg.

*So...you lack this adrenaline...is that it?*

I raised an eyebrow, thinking I might be forced to have sex with her again.

*That comment usually means that kind of stuff. But then again, she's never read a romance novel.*

My questioning face became even more confused when she pulled away from me about five feet and got down on all fours. Again, if she could grin she would have right then.

*I've always liked a good chase...*

I was taken aback by her statement, the imminent threat not getting through my tired and confused brain. But then I saw that she was slowly pacing back and forth with her tail stiff over her back like a scorpion's, not moving forward as if an invisible barrier was blocking her. I recognized the hunting pose from my encounters with her before, and knew she meant business. Then I did the most logical thing in the situation: I followed her orders and ran down the hallway as if death was chasing me.

*That phrase is alot more real in this situation!*

I didn't even think about where I was going, just that I needed to escape the xenomorph which had suddenly made me the object of a cruel game.

*Where did that come from!? Oh yah, from me complaining! My mom is so laughing right now!*

The hallways blurred together, but I could see I was heading through a section of the ship used for storage. About a minute later I became confused that I hadn't heard any sceeches or movement from behind me. I took the chance and turned around to see an empty hallway, slowing down to a stop as I tried to assess my situation. As my breathing steadied I kept my position, listening for any sounds that would signal an attack, and watching the hallways for the black monster. Seeing nothing I threw up my hands in confusion and grinned.

"That little shit...she just wanted to see me run..."

Another minute passed. Nothing. My grin faded, and was replaced with growing apprehension. I took two involuntary steps backward and put up my arms into fists, ready to attack whatever was scaring her away (or ready to defend against her ambush). My breathing became heavier and I started to panic.

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