Mama Gets Pissed

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Thundering roars could be heard throughout the hanger deck as heavy machinery moved crates of ammo and equipment into the waiting doors of the dropships. Below the chaos several lines of mercenary Troopers were being filed into the three transports, all of them armed to the teeth with ammo for their assault rifles and machineguns. Several flamethrowers could be seen mingled in the group, and there was an air of superiority and cockiness. Several troopers were smoking and even more had a bottle in their hands. The man took all this in as he watched through the hanger observation deck.

"Sir, there have been no replies to our hails."

The man sighed.

"Then I guess it will be a complete surprise for him as well. Are the labs ready for the cargo when it gets back?"

"Yes sir."

He squinted at the paid manpower ready to go trigger-happy in slight disgust.

"Very good. Let's hope that we get our money's worth with this bunch and they actually stick to the plan. You may launch when ready sergeant."

"Yes sir...hmph...All troops prepare for launch. Check your weapons and good hunting."

A few moments later the sergeant pressed the door release button once the hanger was clear, and the massive hanger doors opened with a loud rush of air as the little oxygen left in the room escaped into the vacuum of space. The dropships primed their engines, their jets glowing white hot, and started to fly slowly out the ship. The man continued to watch the ships until the last one had cleared the hanger and was heading towards their designated target...

Word of advice to fellow guys: don't underestimate your girl when they tell you that "you are not leaving anytime soon." Especially when your partner is a seven foot tall xenomorph with incredible endurance and a blade on her tail. I was thinking about this as the black monster rode my hips with consistent and forceful jerks of her own hips, her insides creating a blissful place for my member.

*I thought you were too tired to continue Shawn...* a husky voice whispered into my brain.

I only groaned in response. It was true. We had been going at this for about three hours, and I had been close to passing out.

'Yah, till she said I could mount her.'

A smile played across my lips and my grip on her thighs tightened

*You enjoyed that, didn't you? The way you perked up was tell enough. I think you are starting to give in to me...*

As she "said" this to me she slowed down just enough so that I could feel every movement of her womanhood clenching around me as she pulled her off and back onto my body. I bucked my hips back up in reflex. It was true. I was starting to see her as something more than the wild animal I thought I knew her as. She was intelligent and a fast learner, not to mention beautiful if you got past the bony exterior. However, several doubts had begun to plague my mind.

'She probably killed tons of my crewmates. Then she tried to kill me. Not only that, but she was literally born out of a human chest!'

But those doubts were growing into distant worries as she continued to be rather civilized to me. After several minutes of caressing and purring, she reassured me that she would not harm me in any way, and that she would not let anyone else harm me either. She then proceeded to bow her head and rub the top of her head into my neck, a sign of respect and affection as I took it.

*Getting distracted are we?*

The voice jolted me back into reality. I looked up to see the xenomorph sitting still on my lap, my member still inside of her oily womanhood. Letting out a groan as it continued to flex around me, I smiled sheepishly and was about to make a quip when she interrupted.

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