I Am Crowned

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The automatic door opened to the figure as he entered the brightly lit conference room. The glare caused his eyes to blink, but only once. He pulled the packet from under his arm and set it on the desk surrounded by chairs, three of which were filled. The man took a deep breathe and proceed to sit down, the leather covering causing a chill up his spine.

"Well, this was unexpected," the man to his left announced suddenly.

"Indeed. I for one thought that we would only be collecting our quota and then proceeding with Operation Firestorm. However, this provides a good excuse for us to go in at this point," a deep voice stated from his right.

"How do we know for certain though? It could have been an error in your systems," the third man asked, being seated next to the man on his left.

The man, seemingly ignoring the question, opened the packet and shook out its contents. A picture attached to a file and medical reports were pushed to the middle of the table.

"Was it not your technology that allowed for this monitering? If anyone is to be blamed it is your lack of skill," the man growled at the man who had asked the question.

The man opened his mouth to reply to the accusation, a but thought better of it and sat back to read about the subject.

"So he's alive then. How is it possible?"

The first man sat back and and crossed his arms over his chest.

"The signal popped back up after going dormant for the past four weeks. I believe that he was stuck in stasis and was overlooked during the Initiation. My analysts say that something must have jolted the monitor into working again, as the first read out came back with all high numbers," the man stated.

The right hand man nodded and started to pull out some papers from a suitcase on the floor.

"Aright then. Now that we have this window, should I initiate Operation Last Survivor?" he asked.

"Yes. I want the room's prepared and the research teams to start prepping for the tests. The extraction teams with be landed in 24 hours, so make sure they have what they need Mr. Marrek. The first capture gets a bonus and a month of shore leave."

The men on the left got up from the desk and walked out if the room to their pre-assigned tasks. The man on the right nodded to the first man and started filling out the paper work needed to make their work...legitimate.

'Oh God...what did I just do?'

I was lying down in my makeshift bed, staring up at the cieling as if an answer would appear in the white-grey metal. I was wearing my t-shirt and underpants, trying not to notice the heavy smell in the room. It made me a little horny, but I had bigger things on my mind.

'Why did you do that Shawn!? Why would you not only allow yourself to be raped, and enjoy it, but also have legitimate sex with one!? How the hell am I going to get out of this...?'

I groaned and started massaging the growing pain in my right temple. I sighed.

'Well, at least I'm not dead...and it wasn't all that bad...'

I sighed again and turned my head to the left to see the black mass beathing evenly on my bed.

'She really is the special case isn't she...didn't try to force me...just walked in and kind of moved me in the right direction. Wonder what she thinks about all this...if she even really cares.'

I sat up and scooted over so I was right next to her rump, her tail daggling lazily over the end of the mattress.

'Guess I should wake her up. Maybe I can get some answers from her. She seems to be a little more docile.'

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