Welcome to Hell Boys

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After flying for around thirty minutes the restless mercenaries were starting to grumble about being bored. The jeering and swears reached the furious pilot, who was wishing he could just eject them all into space. Just as he was about to press the botton he got a ping on his radar. He laughed softly in relief and looked through the cockpit window to see the massive cargo ship coming into view. He mouthed a "wow" as he noticed the four huge engines and the thousands of windows lighted by interior lights.

"Okay gents, we are coming up to the drop point! Check your guns and ammo before you go," he practically yelled into the intercomm.

After lining the side of his ship up with the starboard docking bay he sent the engineers to see if they could get in through it. He was relieved to hear that it was indeed functional, thanks in part to a bit of hacking from the now prideful engineers.

"Can't wait to get these guys off my ship..." the pilot muttered as he pressed the button for the sealing clamp, triggering the doors to open, revealing the inside of the cargo ship to the nest of mercenaries.

The once smug faces now wore a mixture of wary and frightened expressions, though some simply chuckled like they couldn't wait to fight the monsters inside. As soon as the twenty troopers were into the ship, the pilot disengaged the docking clamps and pulled slowly away from the huge ship, watching the other two dropships move forward for their turn to drop off their unwanted cargo. The pilot was just glad he didn't have to go into whatever hell those poor souls were no doubt going to witness.

"Okay men, let's get what we came for an get out of here as fast as possible. No one diviate from the path outlined on your data pads, understood? I don't want to be picked off one by one. Remember, these buggers like sneak attacks, so watch everything," a burly man stated as he checked his own data pad.

A chorus of "yeas" to "yes sirs" met his commands. The three dropships had unloaded sixty heavily armored mercenaries into a single room, though there was a trickle of bodies reaching out down the two hallways, and there wasn't much room to move. The leader raised his voice so he could be heard over the now noisy jostling of his eager men.

"Right then...George take your assigned men to the cargo section of the ship and return with the specified crates! Lewis and John, you are to take the other twenty out exploring. Find our main prize and neutralize it! I will stay here with Coke, Dager, and Smith to keep our escape clear! Good hunting men!!"

'So where are we going exactly?' I asked inpatiently.

*Shawn, I'm just trying to pick out a good place for our nest. We only looked at a couple rooms, so stop complaining.*

I groaned and rolled my eyes. Apparently the thirty rooms we visited hadn't been good enough for the female xenomorph. After leaving one of the most terrifying moments of my life behind in the hanger bay my xenomorph decided that the two of us should find a place to call home. When I suggested my room she said it was too small.

*We will need room for the eggs and young.*

I stayed quiet after that, knowing thete was no changing her mind, but my mind was hard at work. I didn't want to say anything at the time, but I really doubted that she would have any children with me. She was a completely different gene pool than I was, and it seemed impossible that I could have impregnated her.

'Though...the Queen seemed confident about it...so maybe...wait!'

My breathe caught and I stopped in my tracks, the xenomorph not noticing my sudden cease of movement.

'Xenomorphs are incubated in humans...meaning they could...oh my God! That's why she looks so human like! She literally took some of the gene pool from her host! And if she has a virgina, that mean she must have a...oh crap.'

Xenomorph KingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora