Father Death

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'Alright, just get a grip Shawn...it was something you had to do...'

'But she was unarmed...'


'Was she really? How do you know...?'

'BECAUSE...because she was with...them...'

'That's no escuse.'




'They would have killed us...'


'I'm not a monster!'


I sat there for quite some time, clutching my head and trying to drown out the voice in my head. It was like all the things I had done came back in a single rush. Torturing the pirate, killing the others, killing the grunts...murdering two unarmed people in my rage. The blood on my helmet had dried due to the heat in the air and I had to scrape off the camera to see clearly. The voice continued to haunt me, as if the blood itself was condemning me, and it filled me with that same shame and despair as before. Suddenly I felt something wrap around me and gently force me onto my side. I couldn't lay down with the helmet on my head so I took it off with shaking hands as I felt Vex use her tail to drag me over towards her fallen form. As I got closer she opened up her arms and drew my head into her chest, wrapping her limbs around my form and clutching me tightly. Her tail then decided to caress my neck with its blade, her actions very gentle. I took a heaving sigh and dug my face into her more.

'What is wrong my dre'ckss? Nothing can hide forever...'

I gave a shuddering chuckle and tried to talk, bit found I couldn't.

'Vex...I killed them...I-I...'

I hugged her tighter.

'...I even enjoyed it...'

The caresses didn't stop and I was thankful for the tender attention. Her free hand went to my head and stroked my cheek while her tail pulled me away from her slightly. She looked down at me and purred softly.

'Why are you fearful?'

I stared down at her chest and drew circles on her stomach, trying to prepare an answer. I sighed.

'I guess...I just don't want to become a monster...someone with no mercy and a taste for blood...'

Then, for the first time ever, I heard her laugh. It was sweet and was so human-like my eyes widened in shock.

'Hahahaha! My dear dre'ckss, you are no monster,' She stated calmly.

Vex leaned in and dug her jaws into my neck, her free hand stroking my neck. I moaned a little at the treatment.


She growled and lightly headbutted my cheek.

'No. You are kind and show that to me in everything you do...no, if anyone is a monster, it would be me...'

I looked at her with a fierce expression.

'Why would you say that!? You aren't like that anymore.'

She purred again and I could sense something about her mood that was different. It was more...motherly.

'Then why do you still call me 'monster'? What makes you say that?'

'I-' I started softly, but was cut off by her hand as she lightly scratched my cheek, her meaning clear.

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