The Children of the Night

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(*ksst* Entering the port side docking bay. No moment detected. Squad B and C, head toward the bridge. Squad D, scout the crew quarters. Squad A will take the storage rooms. Stay clear of the front of the ship boys, that place is crawling with bugs. *ksst*)

(*ksst* Roger. Squad C heading out. *ksst*)

(*ksst* Copy. Squad D heading to marked location. *ksst*)

(*ksst* Squad B following Squad C. Permission to speak sir? *ksst*)

(*ksst* Granted. *ksst*)

(*ksst* What are we to do if we meet the target? *ksst*)

(*ksst* We are to capture the target, alive and take him back to the Gigalith, so use lethals sparingly. *ksst*)

(*ksst* And if he has back-up? *ksst*)

(*ksst* That's why we have lots of bullets lieutenant. Now shut your yappers and focus on not dying. This son of a bitch took out Lieutenant Scott's crew, and if we weren't capturing him I'd put a bullet between his eyes myself. *ksst*)

(*ksst* Roger that. *ksst*)


'Man, you'd think that your lover would hang around till you woke after practically raping you, but nope! Not for my xenomorph! Hmmph...not even a good morning kiss...' I thought after finding myself lying down on the ground in the nesting room with a blanket covering my naked form. The room still was warm enough that I didn't shiver as I laid there brooding.

'Oh, well...she has stuff to making more rooms for the eggs...'

I winced at the memory of how many times she had made me release into her and I quickly did the sloppy math in my head as I raised top half using my elbows.

'So if one good round can produce over a hundred eggs...and we went at least six times...oh, good...I'LL ONLY HAVE OVER SEVEN HUNDRED CHILDREN TO DEAL WITH!! HOW THE HELL AM I GONNA FEED THEM ALL!?'

Panick started to muddle the happy feelings I had before when Vex first showed off the kids, but in the back of my mind I had to admit that the prospect of having so many kids struck me as spectacular. I sighed as I realized that it was too late for regrets. The heavy feeling wouldn't fully leave my heart, but now it was slightly diminished.

'I guess...well, Vex doesn't seem to eat much. Maybe they can go for a longer time without fuel...hopefully...but where can we make a permament home for them?'

As my mind wandered I started to stand up, but then fell down again as I felt how sore my hips were. A pained grin appeared on my face and I waved my fist in the air in mock aggression.

'I'm gonna get you back you crazed alien! Just not right now...'

After hearing no reply I sighed and struggled up through the pain into a standing position. I had to catch myself from falling over, but eventually I was able to walk over to my clothes, pick them up, and slowly put them on as I glanced around the black room again. After my socks and boots were on my feet I started for the door to rummage around for some food, but the uneven ground made it a slow journey. As I put my hand on the lock pad I decided that I should probably first check on my kids before I got some "breakfast." I chuckled at the thought of there being "morning" and "night" abroad the Armagon.

'Now that I think about it, I don't even know what time it is! Guess I'm too distracted...I mean, I am fighting an entire private army and having to take care of a freaking xenomorph nest,' I thought as I rubbed my forehead.

I quickly put the negative thoughts out of my mind and walked over to the first vat that Vex had shown me. A smile played over my lips as I walked over with my hands in my pockets.

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