Chapter 2: The Family Legacy

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~~Aura Cantarella~~

"Are you, Are you

Coming to the tree

Where they strung up a man they said murdered three

Strange things did happen here

No stranger would it be

If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree.

"Are you, Are you

Coming to the tree

Where the dead man called out for his love to flee

Strange things did happen here

No stranger would it be

If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree.

"Are you, Are you

Coming to the tree

Where I told you to run, so we'd both be free

Strange things did happen here

No stranger would it be

If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree.

"Are you, Are you

Coming to the tree

Wear a necklace of rope, side by side with me.

Strange things did happen here,

No stranger would it be,

If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree."

Aura set her guitar down by the oaken chair. She was done singing, having just concluded the final verse of her song. It was among her favorites, and one that her two younger brothers asked for many nights before bed. She would gladly accept the request. She often wondered why they wanted so badly to hear about such a dark concept, but Corvin and Barker were still too young to listen for anything more than melody. She wished she could be so naïve.

Her story was a simple one. She was born into a life of luxury—at least in comparison to the rest of the families in District Seven. All her life, she had expectations of grandeur pushed on her, by her mother and father, until birthing her youngest brother proved too much for Mom. She received much scorn from her peers for being a snotty brat, but in truth, she was farthest from. Although, she didn't force herself into the idea of being innocent and sweet either. The only thing she could say with precise certainty about herself was that she was, in fact, Aura Cantarella.

"Are you coming to the tree? Where they strung up a man... They said murdered three..." started Barker, the five-year-old. That wasn't exactly how the song went, but with something about the way the boy's golden-brown hair bounced up and down jovially when he said it, Aura couldn't help but forgive him.

"That's not how the song goes," Corvin scolded him. He had the same shade of hair, and was but three years older. "She just sang it. Don't you remember?"

"Corvin, lay off him," she said. "Want to see something else cool, guys?"

"Yeah," they chimed in unison.

Aura fingered through the leather pack she'd purchased from the general market and retrieved a loaf of bread. The boys' faces became bright as their eyes fell on it; it was banana bread. It was their favorite, just like anyone else with the last name Cantarella. "Where did you get this, sis?" Corvin asked, struggling to hold his excitement.

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