1. Lone Wolf

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Everest Hills
Weist's Bar


The foul aroma of alcohol filled my senses when I rushed out of my now former manager's office. Thankfully, he had considered letting me finish tonight after accepting my resignation from yesterday. I received my final paycheck after my last shift. It would be enough to pay for the apartment's rental fee this month.

Weist's bar was completely occupied with warm alcohol-filled bodies. Strippers were entertaining the guests at the bottom of the stage, and I could see one of my colleagues serving drinks table to table.

I had no intention of bidding my farewells as none of them would even care to see me out or shed tears. I was here for exactly 3 weeks. Not enough time to try and actually get along with egocentric bitches. Yes, the majority of them were women. The speakers resounded from the corner of the walls and I nearly covered my ears in annoyance. I can never understand how people would even enjoy loudness that vibrated the walls and unceasingly sway their hips as they dance skin-to-skin with strangers they never even met. I have come across a few men who only thought of their male organ and they would self-assuredly grip their hands onto my waist. None of them got away with it since I, most of the time, introduce then with my fist. And normally, I'd be called into the office for scaring the customers off.

Speaking of pig-headed and perverted customers, a few that passed by winked and started blabbering about making me scream and beg for more to his friends. I had to give him the deadliest glare I could give before they cowered and proceeded on looking for other women instead.

I let out an exasperated sigh once I walked through the exit where Jay was standing He was someone that I could actually endure compared to my other co-workers and he was about 16 years my senior.

"Done with your shift, Airyn?" The tone in his voice was in a teasing way. Okay, I can barely tolerate his presence. One thing I detested was when he'd purposely pronounce my name erroneously, causing me to irascibly punch his shoulder. Hard. He released a grunt and a light chuckle afterward as he rubbed the sore part.

"Always the violent one, Air."

I rolled my eyes at him. The strap of the backpack I've been carrying ever since I strolled out of the office began to sting so I adjusted it from my shoulder. "You'll never get that correctly, will you?" In response, he shook his head as he beamed at me with those yellowish teeth of his. "Actually, it is my last shift. See you around town, Jay." I flipped my hair dramatically to which he lightly chuckled and walled off as I ventured to the bus station. When I was a few meters away I heard him call out, "Hey, Aryn!"

My lips slowly curved into a smile. I cocked my head to the side. "I thought you'd never ever call Aryn?"

"Did I?" Nice try.

"Go on a date with me!" I shook my head to the side once more before I turned to face him, "Not a chance Grandpa!"

"Hey, I am not that old!" I snorted at that. Yeah right.

I gave him the finger as I turned my back to him. "But old enough to be my father!" I called out.

He laughed inwardly, aside from that I heard no more reply coming from him.

Finally, I caught the bus just in time.

The ride home took around 45 minutes including the walk from the bus stop.

I fiddled with the keys in my hand as I took the stairs up to the 2nd floor of the apartment. I hummed a soft tune I heard from the radio once. I stood on my ground when I was already in front of my door before slipping the key inside the keyhole. The apartment was relatively smaller than what we had with Aunt Lys. Her house only had one floor but it consisted of 3 bedrooms, a restroom, a dining room connected to the kitchen, and finally a living room that was at least 4 by 5 meters larger than ours.

The Heir (on-hold)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz