Chapter 6: Encounters and a "Friendly Dinner"!

Start from the beginning

???: How come you're ignoring me?! MROW!
Tao's wasting away and you just walk off?! You monster...! You demon...!!

Ragna: H-Hey! What the hell are you doin'?! Get offa me, dammit!

Taokaka: C'mon, white guy! Be a pal! Buy me some Om-noms, yeah?!

Ragna: Aaaand I'm gonna do that WHY, exactly?!

Taokaka: Cause Tao's tummy is all hungry and empty, but I don't have any money. Capitalism's a draaaaag! Meow!

Y/N's thoughts: I know how feel, there's never enough to eat and there's never enough platinum dollars to spend.

Ragna: Great. A flea-bitten freeloader. Just my luck.

She then pouted in defeat and said.

Taokaka: Awwww... white guy's being all food-stingy...poor, meow-nourished Tao...guess I'll die right...on...your shoes...

She then proceeds to lays on Ragna's feet and gives that hungry kitten look.

Ragna: Yeah...well...good luck with that.

He was about to walk away again then Tao just shot up and jumped on Ragna.

Y/N's thoughts: Man, she is persistent, I'll give her that much!

Ragna: Huh?! Let go of me, meow-tard!

Taokaka: "Meow-tard?!" That's MY schtick! We're gonna settle this with a duel!

Ragna: Seriously?!

Taokaka: If Tao wins, you gotta treat me to food! And...if Tao loses, gotta treat me to food!

Ragna: That's the same damn thing either way!

Taokaka: Here we gooooo!

Ragna: You ain't one for listening, aren't ya!

As soon he finished talking, the two stared to fight. As you watch the fight, Tao has a speed advantage but not much skill. Ragna however has the skill and so far holding his own.

Tao then retracted her claws and continues to attack him. Ragna took a few hits, but then finishes off the fight with one of his Signature moves "Hell's fang".

Taokaka: Meeouch! Aw, I lost...! You're not to shabby, mister!

Ragna: Thanks... for making me waste my time with this pointless crap.

Taokaka: I'm a Kaka of my word...Tao will let you buy me some food, just like we agreed to.

Ragna: Hey, I didn't agree to jack shit! Aw geez...! I guess I can't leave you here all hungry-like I mean...! I DID just kick your ass up and down the street. Fine c'mon—we'll get some grub. I'm kinda hungry, myself...

Taokaka: All right! Food! Foooood!

Y/N's thoughts: Remind myself and Tao for this idea for later.

You stepped out from where you were hiding and said.

Y/N: Hey man, is this dinner trip have room for one more?

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