Chapter 5.5: Another side, another sea, another story

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Miles across the sea, far away from the Excalibur, sails a fairly large twilight orange colored ship. Engraved on the side of the ship are the words: S.S.Oathkeeper. Aboard that ship is a small crew and their captain.

Their captain being a young blond haired pirate with a short temper, who goes by the name of Roxas.

 Roxas sat at his desk looking at a map of the current known world. Many red X's were marked signifying where treasure would be, most of which had a small black crown beside them. Roxas studied the map, and his brow furrowed in frustration. A groan left him as he slumped down in his seat. Then the door to his cabin opened revealing a tall man with a waist so thin you could probably snap it in half if you tried hard enough. The man had fiery red hair which looked almost like a lion's mane and had bright emerald green eyes and pale skin, the fellow also had purple marks under his eyes. The red head wore an all black coat and black leather boots as well as two small emerald green earrings. He walked into the room followed by a young woman, who was around the same age and height as Roxas. She had short black hair with bangs parted off to the side. She had bright sea blue eyes and light skin. The young woman wore a dark grey bandanna on her head, as well as a white shirt and black coat over it. Wearing tall leather boots as well. 

"Heya Roxas!" Called the chipper young woman, as she practically skipped into the room. 

"Hey there Xion." Roxas replied, looking up from the map. 

"What are you doing?" The young girl asked, peeking a look of the map over Roxas's shoulder.

Roxas only grumbled,"Oh you know... The usual." 

"Are you still trying to get after that lousy pirate Sora?" The tall red head spoke, leaning in the doorway, his arms folded in a lax position. "You know you won't get anything if we keep following him."

"Ya I know, Axel! But he always seems to find the treasure first. It doesn't matter how quickly we get there! He always there first!" Roxas exclaimed, he raised his voice and began to grow frustrated. 

"Alright, alright. Ya don't have to shout." Axel spoke, "If ya want, we can leave so you can continue doing whatever it is that you're doing."

"Axel! Wait!" Xion called, dashing towards the taller man and began to tug on the sleeve of his coat, stopping him in his tracks. "Wasn't there something you wanted to ask Roxas?" 

"Ooh! Right! How about you tell him Xion?" the red head responded.

"Okay! Roxas we came in here to ask you if you wanted to watch the sunset with us!" The young woman spoke. Roxas looked up at the black haired girl, a smile quickly forming on his face.

"Sure!" He spoke, quickly hopping out of his chair and putting on a black and white coat and a hat before the two sailors bolted out the door, soon followed by their taller red head companion. The two younger pirates began climbing up the shrouds and making their way up to the boom of the main topsail, where they awaited the arrival of their friend. 

The two sat down on the wooden beam that held the ship's sail, looking down at their friend in eagerness.

"Hurry up Axel!" Xion called out. "Yeah! Axel! We don't have all day!" Roxas followed. 

"Alright! I'm coming!" The fiery red head shouted as he began his climb up to catch up with his two pals.

When Axel finally reached the top he sat down beside his fellow friends.

"Man, I'm not as quick as what I used to be." He joked, letting out a small chuckle. The two smaller pirates let out a laugh.

The trio stared out at the wide open sea and watched the sun seeming fall into the ocean, exploding with bright oranges, yellows, and reds. Turning the sea a deep cascade of orange.   The sky was beautiful. 

"Man, this is pretty. Hey Roxas, Xion, bet you don't know why the sun sets red. You see, light is made up of lots of colors and out of all those colors, red is the one that travels the farthest." Axel spoke. 

"Like I asked! Know it all!" Roxas joked, playfully pushing Axel, who just chuckled in response. 

"Really!? I never knew that!" Xion spoke. "That's really neat!"

"Oh hey! Wasn't there something else we needed to tell him?" Xion spoke up. 

"Oh right! Hey Roxas, you won't believe what Vexen and Zexion found!"

"What?" The blond spoke.

"They found out not only where Ansem's treasure is but also they know who and where Ansem's descendant is!" Axel said.

"What! No way!" Roxas shouted. "Who? And where!"

"Hey! Take it easy! The guy's name is Riku, and he was last seen alive delivering a princess until his ship got attacked by none other than Sora and crew."

"What!? Sora!?"

"Hey! Hear me out! Sora knows of the treasure and he's probably on his way to the treasure right now. But, he's got the princess with him, and he's most likely going to drop her off for some ransom money. But, if we catch him off guard, we'll be able to take that Riku guy and get that treasure before Sora!" Axel exclaimed. 

Roxas's face began to beam, he had a wide smile. 

He then softly spoke, "Finally." 


Author's note

This is my first note for this fic but I felt like I needed to do one! So to explain why this isn't chapter 6 is because I wanted to introduce the seasalt trio in their own little chapter! Any chapter that has a .5 is a seasalt trio chapter. And I know that in the previous chapter I had written Ven a little bit out of character, but I will get to why he did what he did in future chapters! This chapter was slightly unedited so if I need to fix any typos or grammar mistakes please tell me! Thanks to everyone who's read and enjoyed my story so far! 

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